View Full Version : boiling a skull

12-07-2005, 03:49 PM
Need some advice here. How do I go about boiling a deer skull?

12-08-2005, 01:25 AM
How soon do you want it?
their are a nuber of ways to do it.....you could Get a Burner {hotplate} and do it in a OLD kettle after you have removed the worst part of the meat.....put it in a tree someplace that no one is gonna be looking oooh say out back.....let the Flys and iinsect's remove the most of the waste from it......or you could use boric Acid to clean it after boiling it......
Do a google on it or look thru some of the Taxidermy supply stores on the Net....:)

oh if your gonna Boil it.....Please Be kind to the OH and take it outside to do this......My Ole Man boiled out a Bear Skull in the House......GAG!!!!!!!!
did'nt think I was EVER gonna get that smell out of here.........ROFL

Mil Dot
12-08-2005, 04:03 AM
Boil the skull in a water & laundry detergent mix. I used Arm & Hammer because of the borax in it. With antlers you have to keep them out of the water or they fall off. After you get all the flesh off, besure and check the nasal area, wipe the skull down with 20% hydrogen peroxide(wear gloves & eye protection) and sun dry to get it nice and white. A beauty supply shop will have the peroxide, be sure you don't leave this stuff in reach of kids as it is bad mojo and will definately have an adverse outcome on anything it gets on. Outdoors is a good recommendation.

Mil Dothttp://images.snapfish.com/3457268323232%7Ffp335%3Enu%3D3246%3E9%3A9%3E28%3A%3EWSNRCG%3D32333787%3A54%3B%3Cnu0mrj

12-12-2005, 06:51 PM
you want to use arm and hammer super washing soda to boil your skulls that will disolve the grease and fat for you and makes clean up easy.

dont over boil! the skull might fall apart just do it long enough to get the meat and fat off!

12-12-2005, 07:17 PM
Mildot, Did you do that skull? Its awesome!

Mil Dot
12-12-2005, 07:46 PM
All I did was the boiling and cleaning part. I went down to the local starving artists consignment shop and was referred to a lady. In talking with her on the phone she had never done a skull before, but was willing to take a look at it. Obviously, she took on the task and has a ton of talent. I dropped the skull off with her to "get a feel of the project" figuring I'd hear from her in a couple of weeks, wrong 3 days, and she called for me to check out some "sketches". 4 completely different, almost complete penciled sketches for me to consider. 2 months and the product is what I posted. It's been hanging on the wall for 2.5 yrs and is as nice as when it was first painted.

01-19-2006, 12:07 PM
Great looking skull Mil Dot! Real Nice :)