View Full Version : PA Flintlock Deer Season December 26-January 14, 2006.

Adam Helmer
12-08-2005, 01:12 PM
Our flintlock deer season begins in PA the day after Christmas. We are curently in our rifle deer season that ends this Saturday. I have been afield most days and have seen only two small does that still call this old farm home. In Northcentral PA, there are very few deer. I will hunt after Christmas because I like to dress the part and trek the woods with my trusty old .54 flinter while dressed as a cours des bois (pardon my poor French for "cruiser of the woods.") I have never seen another Traditional hunter afield after Christmas as I walk the large woods west of my farm. We do not have to wear orange, so the traditional garb is a nice change while under arms.

Will anyone else hunt a traditional deer season after Christmas?


12-08-2005, 01:50 PM
I do, but I normally wear snow camo and cheat a little by using sabots.

I guess you can't call it "Traditional" but since our group has switched over to something different from roundballs our kill ration has increased.

It's a special time of year I look forward to, mainly b/c my freezer is full and the whole family gets together to drive deer with the ol smokepole. It's more about getting together and listening to old farts complain about their gun not going off on that deer that stood only 10 yards away, (if only they'd keep better care for their guns they wouldn't have so much problems) all the holiday stories, and just catching up from the year past.

Taking another deer is almost a given, but by this point it's not about that....just getting out there

Gil Martin
12-17-2005, 02:34 PM
Right now I am recovering from a sinus condition and spent the last hour fitting a Lyman frizzen to a T/C Renegade. Now the question becomes, which smokepole do I use? All the best...

12-17-2005, 03:26 PM
I'm planning on spending a couple days in the woods with a flinter.