View Full Version : Our Warm Water Pond

Doc E
12-09-2005, 08:40 AM
On another thread, Fabs and I were talking about the lease we got this year on a pond that is fed by a Warm Water Spring. It never freezes even with below zero temperatures.
Here are a couple pics that I took about September 1.
So far, it has been a waterfowl magnet :D




12-09-2005, 11:23 AM
Hey Doc, glad to see your post. Haven't seen you around for a while. How's your hunting been going? With a pond like that, probably pretty good. If you ever need someone to help you keep the bird population down give me a holler and I'll come running. Best of luck to you for the rest of the season.

12-09-2005, 10:19 PM

That looks like one heck of a hunting spot. Now I am almost jealous.

12-11-2005, 05:01 AM
Doc, Im jealous too!

Doc E
12-12-2005, 09:35 AM
Our pond is a little over 1.5 acres. You can cover 80% of the pond from just one blind location.
Hunting has been great here this year. Not only waterfowl, but the Quail populations are really high as well. Grouse hunting was not real good this year (cold rain during the hatch) and we only got about 1/3 of our normal harvest. We have shot lots of geese, LOTS of ducks, lots of quail and more pheasants than we have taken in quite a few years.


12-12-2005, 10:51 AM

Does the WA stand for Washington State, and if so, do you do most of your hunting in that state? The reason I ask is because I never thought of Washington when thinking of pheasants, quails, and grouse.

Doc E
12-12-2005, 02:22 PM
Yes, WA = Washington State. It is one of the premier Grouse areas in North America. We normally get 3 dozen+ Grouse in only 5 weekends of hunting. I do most all (or totally all) of my hunting in state.

Our particular area isn't great for Pheasants, but in the center and S.E. Corner of the state, it's like South Dakota -- honest.

Our Quail here are Valley Quail (Bobs don't do well here).

Here are a couple pics. The first pic is of a 10 minute goose hunt on our pond. The second pic is of a "mixed bag" taken in one hour on one morning and the third pic is of a quickie Quail hunt the same afternoon. We have had an amazing season so far. Still have a couple weeks of Pheasant, a month of Quail and Waterfowl doesn't close until January 29th.





12-12-2005, 02:48 PM
Glad to see that you are having a great year. I am convinced that it is almost impossible to have great hunting years one after another after another. I had a good run for about 8 years and have paid for it a little this past 2 years. Then again, I haven't devoted the same amount of time toward it.

Keep at em and hopefully I will have some pics to post by the end of the year too. Goose doesn't go out for us until February 15.