View Full Version : little conversation I had

12-13-2005, 08:43 PM
last night....this girl is a tree hugger from the word go...she lives in London and normally I dont speak with her because quite frankly, " I hate her guts" but so it goes...

Vic I don't normally defend my reasoning for what I do in the hunting arena, but for you I will throw you a bone...I will make it as simple as possible...I eat what I kill, if I have no taste for it I will not kill it...I am not a trophy hunter ( other than the gators)but my inclinations may lean differently in the future...got my eye on a few different species that I would like to add to my repertoire ...but even then I have definite opinions on canned hunts which I refuse to indulge in..I'll let you look that up...I have three freezers, each have an abundance of wonderful eats, I dont buy much chicken as many people do, I eat quail and pheasants, havent bought ground meat in what 10 years, venison, elk, wild hog and geese are big at my house most nights. Living in Florida we indulge in alot of seafood, mostly what we get on our own. The particular habitat I live in avails us to that, along with frog legs which are usually on the table at least twice a week, my guy has a duck hunt this week-end in which we will use one of our three dogs, a chocolate lab, look that up also to gain a knowledge of their bloodlines. Vic we are hunters and in as much as that may mean something horrible to you, that knowledge, that lifestyle and all that comes with it has given myself and my family a wonderful lifestyle and a respect for animals and habitat you may never understand. My son killed his first hog at 11 years old. From that day, my son who had been but a baby turned into a caring loving thoughtful and confident young man he is today. I hope this helps you in your understanding of "why I kill things that did nothing to me" attitude..I will will never defend it to you again and I need no response from you...Val

12-13-2005, 09:28 PM
val. ya gotta learn not to hold back and really express your feelings. don't be so reserved. :D

man, i'll bet shes still sitting on bags of ice after that reaming.:eek:

12-13-2005, 09:34 PM
Billy Billy Billy, I was nice man dont you think...I have interacted with this nitwit for a couple of years on another topic...trust me this was the nicest thing I ever said to her..

12-13-2005, 11:03 PM

Simply put, "If you don't understand why I hunt, there is nothing I can say to you that will make you understand."

Kind of like somebody trying to explain to me why they would jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Or others, why they would wrestle with gators. LOL. There are a lot of times I don't understand why people do certain things, but as long as those things are legal I don't even worry about it.

As far as your tone in that post to her, I actually think it was kind of nice. Billy, you should see how Val has treated me on some of these threads. LOL. Just joking Val. If I thought you treated me poorly, I wouldn't be writing on your posts or thinking of you as a friend.

On a side note, do you guys have ducks down there already?

12-13-2005, 11:16 PM
val, i thought your explanation was well thought and your reasoning very wellput.

unfortunately when dealing with some folks that are thick as a brick you could turn blue explaining your stand and they still wouldn't get it.

you done good kid.

12-14-2005, 07:56 AM
Val---Very well written

Fabs ----They have there own duck down there named after the state. Florida Coot LOL

12-15-2005, 06:17 AM
Well done Val..you done better than me on counta cause I woulda just told em to shove it :rolleyes:

12-15-2005, 09:32 AM
Your getting kind of mellow over the years LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-15-2005, 06:04 PM
Way to go Val! Even if she still doesnt understand at least you told her like it is and did a very good job at that. As I always say: those that mind dont matter- those that matter dont mind.

12-16-2005, 10:32 PM
I like your style Val!

you know this reminds me of something.....you know once or twice a year we have some ditsy gal from england hop onto the boards here and start trolling....it pretty obvious that they are english, since they scream about "hunting dogs and horses chasing those poor little foxes".

granted there are some hunts of that style here, but there's alot more there.

just wondering if maybe your "frined" knows where you hangout online is all?

12-20-2005, 08:20 PM
Hi All,

Duh we have those loonies yep normally townies of city folks that have been brainwashed:rolleyes: The school system is riddled with them. The members of BASC (British Association of Shooting & Conservation) and BASC them selves do what they can to try to educate the poor souls but as you know it's an upward struggle.

It can be quite funny when the townies move into the country for a bweter lifestyle then try to alter everything:rolleyes: :confused: so it's just liek they left:eek: why the hell move if you want to do that??????

Like the one who got a tree specialist in because something was damaging her newly planted trees. He tells it's the rabbits and they need thinning out. Her reply is nothing may be killed on my land:confused: Hmm I wonder if she rememered to tell the Fox and hawk that:p anyway he fenced the ground then the Deer started so she complained he didn't do the job right so he shows her the difference in the damage and tells her you said a rabbit proof fence. Deer just step or hop over it, if you a deer proof enclosure it's got to be at least 10 foot high, 12 foot is better. Hmm she don't like the price:D He also points out that if you provide a nice tasty banquet for the animals you shouldn't complain if they show up to take up offerings.

You just cannot educate some folks;)

Mil Dot
12-21-2005, 06:14 AM
Well put Val!

Are you sure she's from Britain and not Boulder!

Brithunter, they have the same problem in Colorado, but the mountain lions and coyotes aren't eating the trees.

Asta la vista Fluffy!