View Full Version : not enough land to hunt on

12-15-2005, 09:35 PM
one thing i hate about hunting is, if ur not in a hunting club and your hunting where you know is alright to hunt. And people who own 1 acer of land think that they own the world.i can't stand that cause they cuss you out cause they think that there on their land!!!

12-16-2005, 08:26 PM
I work my way in with farmers shooting the groundhogs so the barns don't fall down, horses don't break a leg. Still the land is smaller than the areas we went in the 1970's. Soon were live trapping coons in the house attic and then we got new places to hunt. Then the farmers tells others with pest problems about me and i start over.

A friend of mine took me a couple of years ago with a pair of Jack russels in horse barns in the area. Man what a chase and the barn owner paid us for each coon we dispatched. We dispatched cornered indoor coons with a noose. Horse barns owners don't like .22 rounds in the roof or walls. Outside it was up the tree and in the sights.

Got me thinking of start up with a couple of Fiest dogs and teaching them to hunt close and check up every 5 minutes so they don't get miles off the hunting grounds. Alot of small barn lots and one acre woods with tons of coon since nobody has dogs like we used to. Should be easy to get lots of coons to chase here in Indiana.

12-20-2005, 10:29 AM
I think you fellers will find that shrinking land and decreasing opportunity for dog men is a serious problem, especially East of the Miss.
That's why you need to get involved with conservation groups and work with your FW department to acquire more public land.

12-24-2005, 05:03 AM
Judgin by yer name...yer a coonhunter. Judgin that yer in this forum, you got dogs. There are laws here that protect you and yer runnin dogs that happen to go on private property iffin yer huntin public land.
But...yer point is noted.

And..welcome to the forum :D

ringneck 1
12-24-2005, 08:06 AM
ran them dogs for 30yrs .never enough space bein shoot at
run out of pastures by cattle and horses .try treeing coon 2am beside bedroom window .run one down creek middle of town EVERY dog starts to bark.cops ask what we were doing coon hunting lost the dogs .I found them in middle of town would you come get them.

12-26-2005, 09:19 AM
is getting worse by the day. Its making it harder to be a hound hunter.

rick savage
01-30-2006, 08:12 PM
the problem is every where. we just have to take care of what we have. it takes alot of p.r. work to find more land to hunt. and it affects all dog hunters, coon,bear,bird and hogs

Roe Deer
01-30-2006, 11:58 PM
I am confused. If people are having Hog damage, why wan't they let Hunters take care of the problem and feed the Hungrey.
It that too simple. Control Hogs , Feed people. Win / Win Situation
Roe Deer

01-31-2006, 12:07 AM
Yeah, it is a win/win situation until a bone head hunter puts a bullet in the farmhouse, which happened here. Or a bonehead hunter decides to hang and skin his deer in the farmers coolhouse/winery and he doesn't clean up after himself. Oh yeah, it is a win/win situation until the farmer finds the deer scraps in the winery and all the wine gone. That is why a lot of farmers/landowners are skeptical about letting people hunt on their property. It is almost the same as inviting a stranger into your house and showing him everything you own.

In a perfect world, all hunters would be great people and it would make life a lot easier for those of us that act correctly on other people's land.

rick savage
01-31-2006, 09:13 AM
the sad part is not all hunters are great people, some are not even good people, that is what makes it hard for the ones that treat the land and owners correctly.we have alot of private land to hunt and 50% has come thru recommendations. when you do find land to hunt ,take care of it as it were your own.

01-31-2006, 04:53 PM
I want to think it's a small minority, but I am inclined to believe it is over 50% in my area.:(

01-31-2006, 08:46 PM
On one farm I hunt on, about 10 years ago I saw a guy poaching on the property dressed in a ghillie suit and using a bow during firearms season. The sad thing is that back then the landowner pretty much gave permission to everybody that wanted to hunt on the land. The owner, a previous hunter himself, is 94 years old right now, and after the wine house incident about 5 years ago, he doesn't just grant permission to anyone anymore. You definitely need to know somebody before hunting there. On the same farm the same season, a waterfowl hunter left his decoys out in the field overnight planning on hunting the field the next morning. What he found the next morning was a cut chain on the back entrance to the farm and no decoys. Of course, as chance would have it, I was setting out my decoys one morning as he and a friend were coming to the field to hunt and he assumed that I took the decoys. His friend was on the scene first, and he told his friend to load up his gun and go talk to me and my buddy. What are people thinking? After a little discussion that morning, we hunted together, exchanged telephone numbers, and hunted together a couple of times afterward.

I am willing to bet that the number of bad hunters out there is not the majority. However, the number of people that want to lock farms up and not allow anybody else to hunt with them is significant. If waterfowling, why not let the other guy hunt in with you. Will it really matter if there are more decoys and more blinds in the same field? If there really are too many people, how about letting somebody film the hunt while he waits his turn to get his limit. If big game hunting, why not let the other guy hunt somewhere on the farm that isn't covered by a gun or hunt next to you, first shot on the game being alternated and the settling of any dispute about who killed what being settled by the drawing of straws?

This shouldn't be so complicated, but attitudes, envy, and greed cause most of the problem.

My wife reads this board sometimes over my shoulder and she has remarked that sometimes it seems as though somethreads are all about mine being bigger than yours and/or who is the better hunter. It really shouldn't be like that either because a lot of hunting depends on luck and money.

Kind of like trying to determine who is a better person. It all depends on what qualities people use to determine who is a better person. Money, intelligence, street smarts, looks, nobleness, politeness, heart, love, charity, etc. Everybody has their own viewpoint on that stuff too.

rick savage
02-23-2006, 08:08 PM
amen :) :) :)