View Full Version : Updated Pa Coyote Regs
Skinny Shooter
12-16-2005, 12:15 PM
Pa. House Bill 1690 Link ( (4) Any natural or manmade nonliving bait used to attract coyotes for hunting or trapping.
(6) ANY DECOY USED IN THE TRAPPING OR HUNTING OF FURBEARERS"Hunters are telling us that they are seeing a lot of coyotes, and we have provided the most liberal seasons possible for them to hunt coyotes," said Calvin W. DuBrock, Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife Management director. "And, on Dec. 3, just in time for the late seasons, a regulatory change took effect to allow furbearer hunters, including those hunting for coyotes, to use shot up to #4 buckshot. Now they just need to legalize semi-auto rifles for varmints/predators and Sunday hunting for skinnys and we're all set. :cool:
12-17-2005, 12:08 AM
Hey Skinny:
I read the code and figure that the things you listed are allowed. Hell, that goes without saying, at least in Idaho.:)
Went snooping around the State's web site. Saw all of those game management units. Pretty much like Idaho. Too darn complicated.
When I came out here in '66 it was a whole new world. Hunting was really great. Took me a few years to figure out that regulation wise Idaho is maybe 10 years behind PA.
Starting to be so much pressure on public lands that it was like PA 30 years ago when ALL bucks were scrubby.
The only redeeming factor out here is that the country is so rough and tough that 1 mile from the road, any road, most people just can't go. And there is a lot of that kind of country.
12-21-2005, 07:38 AM
And the bucks aren't still scrubby? ha ha
I've seen 9, 1.5 yr old bucks and 1, 2.5 year old in bow range this year. Nadda in gun season.
None of the above were to my liking so I let them go for some youngster or (muphere) to take in gun season. My take on why we're not seeing the big boys are b/c the coyotes are taking them out.
What deer is the most easy prey for a pack of coyotes during Sept-Dec? A mature buck in my books. He's been running hard for weeks chasing that only doe left in the woods, fighting until he's weak, and is probably the only deer that would turn on a pack of coyotes to fight during this time of year. Easy for a few coyotes in my book.
The doe are so skiddish by this time of year, they are gone in a heartbeat and can probably outrun the coyotes, or at least run far enough that they would lose intrest.
Not to hijack the thread, but just my thoughts on why we aren't seeing mass productions of Alt's plan. How many years has it been?? 3-4 now?? Where's all the BIG bucks, all I see are 1.5 yr olds still, and see the ocassional big boy. I've noticed a HUGE difference between last yr and this already. Last year I had all kinds of big boys within a few miles of my house when taking an evening ride spotting. This year, you were lucky to see a deer ANY time you went out. You could say it was b/c of a good acorn crop that was well needed and the deer stayed in the woods instead of the fields, but I have a feeling it's something else. Next year is going to be a REAL rude awakaning, I'm sorry to say. I've heard personally from a couple Game Wardens say "There aren't that many deer any more" this year...gee I wonder why?? But that's another topic
Anyhow, back to the coyotes! Skinny, have you seen the new Youth Menotring Program that passed the Senate and House? It's on Rendell's desk to sign. The original bill was to allow BAITING for coyotes, and then they add the Youth Mentoring program. Not sure if it's the same thing you're looking at or not, but I think it's a good step in the right direction.
I hear a pack of them at least once a week from my back porch, and 1 is too many as far as I'm concerned. They need to allow us to use ANY means to kill the damn things, IMO that is ;)
Skinny Shooter
12-21-2005, 08:17 AM
Once the Christmas rush is over I'm going out to a place called Blue Marsh. Have been hearing reports of coyotes in the area. Will try out a snow camo poncho since we've had snow on the ground for a couple of weeks now. Unsure if I'll take the 222 or the 12gauge. Maybe both. :cool:
Have any of you seen the new FX3 FoxPro caller?"FX3"
The Loudmouth caller manufacturer I was working with must have gone belly up. Never did get a caller from him. He's disappeared from sight so am looking for a good system to get.
Petey, no problem on hijacking this thread. I do it all the time. :D
The MY hunting program sounds like a good deal to get 'em started early. SUPPORTS MENTORED YOUTH PROGRAM
The Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners today unanimously approved a resolution, offered by Game Commissioner Gregory Isabella, giving a vote of confidence to the Mentored Youth Hunting Program, which is designed to allow new and younger hunters to gain experience in hunting.
Under the Mentored Youth Hunting Program concept, the mentor will need to meet certain requirements and the young hunter must be considered "ready" by the parent or legal guardian. The hunt will consist of one adult at least 21 years old and one youth, and they may have only one hunting device with them that is carried by the mentor while in transit. The youth hunter must be within arm's length of the mentor at all times.
Two videos explaining the details of the program would be produced; one video will be provided as a public service announcement and one for any mentor.
"The purpose of this program is to encourage new and younger hunters to enter the realm of hunting," Isabella said. "The quality time that can be shared between a youth and a mentor is immeasurable. There simply is no better way to introduce a young person to safe, ethical and responsible aspects of hunting than with the close supervision of an adult mentor that this program creates.
"Today, we all seem to have less and less time, and we never seem to place the proper value on the truly important things. There can be no greater way to instill values, provide the ideal time and place to teach conservation, respect, ethics and the responsibilities that we all have as caretakers of our streams and forests, than by adopting a Youth Mentored Hunting Program in Pennsylvania."
The committee of organizations promoting the Mentored Youth Hunting Program are: the National Wild Turkey Federation, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, the United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania, the National Rifle Association, the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association, Big Brothers/Big Sisters Pass It On Program, the Quality Deer Management Association, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance.
12-21-2005, 10:33 AM
What is being discovered out here is that the mature bull elk are the prime target for the wolves. The bulls, are so intent upon feeding to build up reserves lost during the hunt and mating seasons that they are allowing the wolves to get really close before they notice them.
This is a finding of the people who are supposed to know.
Kind of rhymes with your coyote theme.
Additionally bears are the largest threat to the calves in the spring.
Woofs and Bars:rolleyes:
11-15-2006, 07:36 AM
Edited due to inapropriate content
Andy L
11-15-2006, 08:00 AM
I was just involved in a discussion about this with some guys from PA on another board. Kinda seems to me that coyotes arent your problem, its your fish and game commission and hunters. Huge numbers of deer killed. Not to mention how many are wounded and left to die and hit by cars and poached. Its gonna take a toll.
I saw a report that a huge amount of deer was found in coyote scat in a study in PA. Thats all well and fine, but like one of the guys said, the areas they were taken in had alot of dead deer from cars already, along roads, and its like taking human samples from Dennys bathroom to see what people are eating.
Coyote predation is always over stated. Im not buying coyotes being the root of the problem with PAs deer herd. Josh, Im sure not buying packs of coyotes bringing down big bucks. Not gonna happen. Weak deer, small deer, fawns, yeah, some anyway, but not big bucks. Normally the only time coyotes feed on larger game is in whelping season, spring and early summer, and thats normally only when one of the parents has been killed by a do gooder "hunter" and they are forced to feed the pups alone instead of in pairs like they are meant to.
Ill look up some of these studies that was on that other thread. I would be willing to bet coyotes arent your problem though.
Skinny Shooter
11-15-2006, 10:05 AM, can you resize that image down to about 600 pixels across so it doesn't run the thread off the edge of the page? thanks. :)
Andy, I know you may not like this but as far as I am concerned and unrelated to the deer situation, I'm shooting any coyote that gets in my sights.
Back to the deer issue, why won't coyotes pack up to kill deer?
Andy L
11-15-2006, 02:24 PM
I dont care what you do Skinny, just tellin ya that your misguided in your frustration. Thats all....
Do what makes you feel good. :)
11-15-2006, 08:03 PM
How is that skinny?..sorry about that size thing..just wanted to get everyone excited in huntin those yotes..Hey Andy, I beg to differ on a yote not going after a big buck..I know for a fact of one shot while nipping at the heals of a nice running buck. The guy I was hunting with shot it. The buck was a nice 6 pt and didn't make the horn restrictions in pa here...and the turkey population suffers also from yotes.
L. Cooper
11-15-2006, 08:38 PM
My experience is that, although it is true that a gang of coyotes can and do pull down deer (and even the occasional heifer) it doesn't happen nearly often enough to have a real effect on populations. Unfortunately the stories get told over and over so it sounds like they're the Big Bad Wolf.
It's my understanding that in my home province, vehicles kill as many deer each year as the hunters do in hunting season. That total is WAY more than get pulled down by coyotes.
Andy L
11-15-2006, 09:42 PM
Bingo, L. Cooper. But, everyone needs a villian. Just sad that such a fantastic animal that is by far the most challenging quarry there is to hunt has to be it. If the same "yote" blasters would buy a call and give it a try, most would absolutely love the thrill. Sure as hell more exciting than any buck Ive frozen my butt off waiting for in a tree. Oh well.
Its not worth arguing about though. I have tried in the past and it doesnt work. Ignorance is bliss and it makes people happy to have something to blame other than themselves and their laws, practices and yes, even their vechicles.
Its a shame. This is the first time in a long time Ive looked at this section of the forum, just for this reason. Now my memory is jogged.
They may kill a deer or turkey now and then, but not enough to impact the herd.
Skinny Shooter
11-16-2006, 07:11 AM
Hi Skeeter, the photo isn't showing at all.
Just to make clear, no one knows what my so-called "frustration" is so I think it'd be hard to label it as misguided.
I did mention my comment was unrelated to the deer issue.
Guys, educate me a bit more on this topic. Do you have any links that I can go to about coyotes and the relation to wildlife impact?
I'd like to see some studies comparing the habits of the western and eastern coyotes too.
Hey Andy, you don't have to ignore the varminting forum cause some folks had a disagreement with ya about how and when to hunt coyotes.
After all, this is a big-tent forum with lots of room and tolerance for dissenters. :)
Wait, isn't that supposed to be the democratic party? You know, the one that turned on Lieberman? ;) :D
Have a great day. :)
03-18-2007, 10:45 PM
Kind of a late post on the matter here but after watching a doe run her butt off with her tongue hanging out while crossing a field with a yote only feet from her rear, it brought this post about yotes vs deer to my mind again....I have no idea if she ran far enough to avoid capture.
Andy, being from pa and hearing you speak of other reasons for the lack of deer here in pa other than the yotes, I must agree with you about the largest reason for the decline. I don't think it is the game comm either...(they just want the license money) is the hunters themselves......because you can buy more tags than you need don't mean you must fill all of the past I have seen this done...even with people that don't eat deer..they still buy many many tags (Allegheny co...sp regulation area...tag unlimited) and just give the meat away......then grump about the lack of deer the next year.
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