View Full Version : Holy Crap!!!

12-21-2005, 11:13 PM
This is one big muley:eek:

12-31-2005, 01:34 AM
Yes and you know what makes it even more impressive? He used a traditional percussion cap and ball and not one of those new fangled so called muzzleloaders.

12-31-2005, 11:25 PM
That is definitely one heck of a nice buck.

Did you notice that the article refers to it as a 4 pointer. I think it has more points than that just on one side.

01-01-2006, 02:16 AM
That is a hell of a buck........key fabsroman......4 point ....that would be western count. In the east you guys count all the points and go by that....ie a whitetail with 5 on each side out west is called a 5 point.....out your way a 10 point. :)

I have to play flip flop all fall cause half the guys I guide refer to a deers rack by eastern count and the other western count....keeps you on your toes!

01-01-2006, 06:51 PM
:D Yeah, a guy starts talkin' about a 10 point Muledeer out here and that'll get your attention real quick! ;)