View Full Version : freezing baits?

model 70
12-22-2005, 07:56 AM
how do you guys prevent your bait from freezing solid when trapping during the cold months? i'm using sardines here and amd also curious if it even matters if they're frozen or not?

12-22-2005, 07:14 PM
Well after all these years I have yet to find anything that keeps my bait from freezing at -30 and -40. You think you Californians have problems!:D

Don't worry about your sardines freezing. I have some out in cat, mink and fisher sets right now and believe me they are frozen. They still work.....sure the scent is not as strong but it still works.

Not sure what you are trapping, but a lure scent on a tree branch up above your set and an attractor, such as a foil pie plate or duck wing hanging from a branch and blowing in the breeze, can help when the cold is keeping the scent down.

01-04-2006, 10:40 AM
What I've noticed in real cold weather, fish tends to dry out more than red meat bait. So, when the temp gets freezing cold, I switch from fish to red meat like, beaver, muskrat, or rabbit.

Using sardines is a good fish bait with a lot of scent, so it would probably keep a decent scent when frozen.