View Full Version : .17 Hornady Mach 2 for coyote

12-22-2005, 01:30 PM
anyone have any input about this cartidge( .17 Hornady Mach 2) to be used on coyote.i live in ct and the state just okied the 17 rimfire to be used on state land .other than that only can use 22 lr ... cant even use the 22 magnum

Rocky Raab
12-22-2005, 04:37 PM
I don't own a .17 rumfire, so can't give you firsthand info.

However, the overwhelming consensus of opinion of the predator hunters I know is that even the .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire is insufficient for coyotes. The Mach II would be even less effective.

I feel sorry for you due to your state's idiotic regulations, but under those laws, I'd sticl to the .22LR and use Velocitor ammo.

The .17 Mach II should be used on game no larger than two pounds, in my opinion.

12-23-2005, 12:03 PM
Save yourself from injuring the coyotes. Use a centerfire if you can.