View Full Version : What do people carry?
12-22-2005, 01:05 PM
What does everyone like to carry for a concealed carry weapon a revolver or a compact auto? Just currious as to different opinions on the matter.
12-22-2005, 01:47 PM
I've been carrying for about 15 yrs. During hunting season, if I go for a walk, I carry a double action revolver, mainly a Ruger SP101 in .357 Mag. If I go out to eat or shopping in cooler months where a jacket or sweatshirt will be worn, I opt for my Para LDA in .45 ACP. If shorts and a T-shirt are the clothing of choice, I carry my NAA 22 Mag Mini-revolver. Some may argue about my choices, but a couple well placed 22 Mag HPs will beat all heck out of a pair of finger nail clippers if the neighboorhood pit bull decides he doesn't like my Jack Russel Terrier for some reason. Not all threats come from 2 legged felons. Carry what you can. Any carried tool is better than the one you left at home. Just my opinion! Bill................
Skinny Shooter
12-22-2005, 02:51 PM
full-size Colt 1911 gov't
4" Springy XD45gap
snubnose S&W 686+
Ask TD about Thunderwear. :D
Adam Helmer
12-22-2005, 04:26 PM
Excellent thread! I have carried a M65 3-inch .357 Smith, loaded right, on many occasions as a federal lawman. I have also carried a M1911A1 Colt .45 auto with 8 rounds therein "Locked and Cocked."
Now that I am retired and covered under recent Federal Ligislation, I like to put the .45 Auto in my waistband and go about my business on my federal credential. I do like the M65 I built at S&W and like the Colt .45 auto as it is a fine sap once the magazine runs dry. Revolvers have their place and there is nothing wrong with a good DA .357 revolver.
Bottom line: Carry what feels right and that you can shoot and hit what you are aiming at. As Bill Jordan said in his fine book, "No Second Place Winners" the "also ran" get planted.
12-22-2005, 07:39 PM
I thought that I should add that I carry a Para Ordinance Tac Four LDA it's finer than frog hair! 13+1 of 45 ACP in a medium sized frame that smoothed out and DA only. Let me tell you that the LDA trigger system is as smooth and light as they brag about in the adds!
12-23-2005, 12:21 AM
At work I carry a GP-100 w/h .38 spl loads, two speed loaders, a A.S.P., Leatherman Wave, Surefire 6P with a 120 lumen bulb.
Off duty, day carry is a Springer 1911A1 G.I. with two extra Wilson 8rd mags( two mags loaded w/h Golden Sabre 230gr. one with ball), kuboton, Emerson LeGriffe, Surefire 6P with a 120 lumen bulb.
At night and when traveling I carry a G19 w/h Corbon 115 gr. +p with one extra mag, instead of the 1911.
My BUG is a Rossi M351 with a extra speed strip CCI/Speer Gold Dot 135gr +p.
4" Springy XD45gap I might get a G38 someday, to use inplace of my G19.
12-23-2005, 03:15 PM
I carry a Beretta 96 stainless in 40 cal. I switched from my Beretta 92 9mm because I like the heavier ball in the 40.
12-23-2005, 05:29 PM
This is the one that gets out the most. I find the slim autos are easiest to carry. This one is aluminum and stainless to keep weight down and resist moisture in the summer.
Gil Martin
12-23-2005, 06:52 PM
Mostly I carry a 1911A1 or a S&W Model 66. All the best...
12-23-2005, 07:21 PM
bulgarion markerov 9x18 after reading many posts frome this web sight and reading a article frome rocky i chose it for a carry gun.
I am thinking of getting something for summer when i can wear shorts and put it in my pocket if anyone has a suggestion let me no i have not been carrying long.
I got my c.p.l when i started doing road calls in the middle of the nite and in some real bad areas
when i do most road calls it is winter and i am wearing heavy cloths and wearing a clip holster.
12-26-2005, 10:14 AM
9mm Firestar in SS with Hydro-shoks for everyday carry and an Astra a-90 in 45 for winter outside carry.
12-27-2005, 08:32 AM
At work I carry a Glock #21 with Cor Bon 45ACP+P 165 gr. Pow R Ball
My newest carry gun is a S&W 357 mod. 60 with 3 inch bbl and adj. sites.
A 1911A1, usually- loaded with Federal 200gr FMJ expanding.
If I can't conceal that (summertime, etc), a Charter Arms Bulldog in 44 Special- Winchester Silvertips.
Larry in Bend
12-29-2005, 10:07 AM
I carry a 638 S&W Bodyguard. It's a .38 special - weighs 14 oz. unloaded - has a snagproof draw - can be shot single action if so desired. I carry it in a pocket holster loaded with 125 grain +p ammo. If I were going to go to the trouble of belt/holster carry I'd carry my 2 1/2 " S&W model 19 (.357) or my H&K .40.
01-07-2006, 09:17 PM
For seven years I have carried a .45 auto PT-945 with handloaded 200 gr. Hornady XTP's.
Sometimes I carry my 4 5/8" Ruger SA .44 mag with 300 gr. XTP's
04-22-2006, 12:15 PM
In all honesty I love my auto's and carry them often but if you want to know what I love and entrust my life to I must admit that it's " Six for Sure " for me.
Montana Cowboy
05-03-2006, 10:33 AM
Howdy All
I carry a .38 special 5 shot model 85 hammerless revolver. MC
05-08-2006, 11:30 AM
Just an update I have added a new Para Ordinance WARTHAWG to my carry options. It is nice because I can cover it with my hand and it fits in all my pockets. For a small auto in .45ACP it doesn't bark all that bad.
05-12-2006, 05:25 AM
2 fists and a mean set of teeth the land of oz if somebody attacks you and you fight back don't get caught cause you'll be in more trouble then the crims,and if you have a shooters licence thats the first thing to go.if you defend your self with any object your gone .the sillest thing is they'll take ya shooters licence if ya a good bloke,but a crim can always get a cheap sawn off rifle or shottie for a few hundred $ or a pistol for a $ its the good guys that always lose.and the baddies always win.
Montana Cowboy
05-12-2006, 09:46 PM
Evening Deadkelly
Sounds to me like the good folks your refering to need to practice (If at all possible) the three "S" rules , Shoot , Shovel, and Shutup.
Maybe they should start the three "S" with the government leaders that put those gun /crime control into law. A nation isnt suppose to protect ciminals at the cost of punishing law abiding honest people.JMHO
Montana Cowboy
05-13-2006, 11:13 PM
Evening Carl
I hear ya. The criminals seem to have more rights than a law abiding citizen. The justice system is so concerned about protecting the rights of the criminal/ accused and don't give a hoot about the victim.
Well hey seems like we are getting a little off topic here and I don't want to get off on another subject than what the original topic is. Have a good one. MC
06-15-2006, 11:30 PM
Hello All,
I carry a Radom P-64 9x18, changed the trigger spring out to a 16# nice double action now ,super nice single. Greatest thing going highly affordable $185.00 +/-, well built, accurate, low profile and hated by Mak purists cause it isn't a Mak:D
What turned most people off primarily was the initial double action pull 25#:eek:However easily fixed. I have three. When the Pols developed the "CZAK" (p-64) they used their SMG ammo extremely hard primers hence the heavy dbl action pull. Works best with 90 and 95 grain's 100's and 105's to heavy for it. Ball ammo, Hornady XTP hp's, and Power Balls feed well.
I normally carry mine in front pocket (Dockers) I made my own pocket holster, I also carry with a Don Hume JIT (PPK/S),and have ordered a clip draw for it.
06-20-2006, 05:10 AM
I carry a Kel-Tec P-32 almost every day. It is small light, and easy to conceal, even when wearing shorts and a T-shirt. The .32 acp is enough for my needs, as I stay away from bad 'hoods and biker bars.
If i do have to go somewhere "more dangerous" I carry an S&W Model 19 in an IWB holster, and wear a jacket.
06-20-2006, 04:17 PM
Quite often, its a revolver, and usually one of these. On the left, a Model 60-3 .38 Special, and on the right, a Model 65-3 .357. Both are DAO, with three inch heavy barrels and fixed sights.
06-21-2006, 05:01 PM
Couple of fine looking revolvers you have there! Once in a while I carry a snubbie 44spc from S&W it fits well and is small enough to slip in most any pocket.
seems every one i know has given up a small 32 or 380 for a super light titanium smith revolver in .38 thinking about joining that bunch, but baby glocks still have my heart
07-18-2006, 09:00 AM
Just thought I should keep things fresh by adding a third pistol to my carry options. This one happens to be another Para Ordinance it is the LTC Steel model chambered in .45auto. Just thought I would share the news. By the way this one moving up the charts pretty fast and on it's way to being my favorite shooter!
07-27-2006, 07:02 AM
Yep, its a full size cannon, but, its easy enough to conceal if you want to and it will feed empty cases backwards... totally reliable. I use only Federal 230 gr. Hyrdoshock ammo for concealed carry.
Rarely and only when in shorts and jap flaps, I carry an American Derringer in 9m/m with Federal 125 gr. Hydroshock ammo.
12-12-2006, 01:02 PM
1911 (and other stuff ;-) )
12-20-2006, 11:59 AM
Sig P220 with 230Gr Golden Sabers
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