View Full Version : Tame 35 rem
ringneck 1
12-23-2005, 09:14 AM
got me 35rem in 14inch pistoil barrell
two question
I have couple friends that reload
what load do I need to ask about to tame it down
I seen on other forum one time you could order custom reloads
they were a bit pricey thats a direction I could go
any one know of this place I can contact
I dont reload
Its bugger to be old and cofused
12-23-2005, 09:32 AM
What do you want the reduced loads for? Plinking or hunting? I've loaded some lite 125gr handgun bullets for mine just for plinking. I've also loaded a lite 158 cast bullet for turkey, although I have yet to use it a turkey.
ringneck 1
12-23-2005, 09:54 AM
Deer hunting
thanks Ted
12-23-2005, 09:57 AM
I loaded for this round for a few years in the 14" TC, but I never really downloaded it that I remember.
I was using some H335 and 180gr. Hornady SSP's.
Classic's advise regarding cast bullets is a good one. Since I cast & shoot my own mostly, I think that's a novel idea.
Using a cast .38/.357 pistol bullet, or a .358 cast rifle bullet will work on light loads....some better than others maybe.
For anyone that will load your ammo for you, tell them to take a good look at Lyman's pistol manual and specifically their cast bullet data.
Something in the mid teens (1400-1700fps) might be tolerable.
12-23-2005, 11:16 AM
Hi Ringneck,
I load for the 35 remington and a good load with a jacketed bullet is one made by Hornaday i think. 150 gr spire point.. but any hard cast 158 gr cast bullet will work well too. Personally i don't think my Contender 14 in 35 Rem recoils all that much. Certainly not half as much as the 45-70 bbl I have. My 35 Rem has no muzzle brake either.:D
12-23-2005, 06:02 PM
The 35 Rem shoots pretty well for me. I can hold angle of deer out past 125 yds anyway. The 45-70 bbl will really shoot one hole groups if I do my part...which means if I flinch the same way every time! Seriously. It is an accurate bbl too but after about 5 rounds off the bench...well I have had enough. The 35 Remington I have shot 40 times in one session and wasn't flinching yet.:D
Lone Star
12-23-2005, 07:34 PM
If you don't reload then you do not want the custom ammo on the market - most all of it recoils a lot more than the factory 200 loads. What you should try is the standard Remington 150SP factory load. Contrary to the remarks made by those who have never used it on game, this ammo performs very well on deer out to about 100-125 yards in a handgun, 150+ yards in a rifle. It has much less recoil than the 200-grain stuff.
I reload the 150s to 2340 fps in my 14" Contender with great results, but the recoil approaches the factory 200s at that point. I would recommend that you not bother with pistol bullets in the .35 Remington as they will be overdriven and can give poor penetration. Load them down enough to stay together and you might as well sell the .35 and buy a .357 Magnum barrel....
12-24-2005, 01:30 AM
Tame 35 Rem ? = 357mag. with heavy bullets. If you want something "tamer" then step down to a 30-30.
ringneck 1
12-24-2005, 07:41 AM
thanks for info. I was being told recoil was a lot
I havent shoot it yet maybe I was putting cart before the horse
Have a great holiday
Rocky Raab
12-24-2005, 04:00 PM
That might tell you a lot. Shoot some factory stuff first (that 150-gr factory load may be ideal for deer). If that's too stout for routine shooting, then you might try a reduced load for evryday practice.
I'm away from home right now so don't have data at my elbow. But I'd bet that 18.0 of 4198 uner a 158-gr pistol bullet would be a fun and mild load.
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