View Full Version : plans for combining 2 muzzlerloaders

12-24-2005, 05:15 PM
first they dont make a inline 36 muzzleloader... anyone got any plans on taking a 36 caliber barrel and putting it on a 50 caliber breakdown single shot 50 caliber ... my statewill only let us use a 36 on statelandfor varmits

02-08-2006, 12:41 PM
Before NEF introduced their breakopen muzzle loader, I purchased a .45-70 barrel from a gunsmith in Little Rock. He had reamed out the chamber and threaded it to accept a blackpowder breechblock. It made a pretty neat rifle. You could consider doing this with with a 30 caliber barrel for an NEF or H&R Handirifle. I shoot cast .458 caliber bullets in mine with good results.

Using a 209 shotgun primer makes it work perfectly with the NEF firing pin. Good luck