View Full Version : Ruger Single Six

12-28-2005, 07:28 PM
Just picked up my Ruger Single Six today. I got the 6.5 inch barrel and stainless steel. I hope the rain holds off tomorrow so I can try it out. I have the lr. and WMR cylinders. Do they hold the same point of aim? Also why is mine called the "new model," is there something different?

Rocky Raab
12-29-2005, 08:40 AM
New Model Rugers have a transfer bar safety system as the main change. You also do not have to bring the hammer to half-cock to rotate the cylinder for ooading - just open the loading gate.

It is safe to load and carry all six chambers in a New Model (but not in Old Models or any Colt-style single-action revolver).

My Single Six shoots a tad lower with Mag ammo then with LR, but not much.

12-29-2005, 09:57 AM
Thanks Rocky, that's good to know. This will be my carry gun in woods.

Rocky Raab
12-29-2005, 11:14 AM
I predict it'll be one of those guns that you keep forever. Mine is.

I bought mine from a guy who needed a few bucks back in 1974 or so. It got stolen out of my truck in 1992. It broke my heart. BUT, two years later, I got a call from the police: it had been recovered!

Miraculously, it was still in pretty good shape, although the .22LR cylinder was missing. I soon replaced that, and now it stays in my safe when I'm not wearing it - I won't risk loosing that one ever again.

02-17-2006, 07:35 PM
I bought mine back in 1968. I have killed a lot of squirrels with the .22 Mag cylinder. I have an equally old T/C 3X scope mounted on the Ruger for that kind of hunting.

05-26-2006, 04:53 AM
I thought I had enough guns but I developed a strong itch for a Single-Six. Maybe it was that NRA convention last week. I will pick my SS 6.5" Single-Six up today. I am looking fwd to the 22mag option. The store had a well used one and a blued one, but for $50 over blued I went SS. I may have to shoot a few CB's in it out back when I get it.