View Full Version : .357mag, buffalo bore and bears

model 70
12-30-2005, 07:37 AM
has anyone ever used the 180gr. flat nosed, cast ammo from buffalo bore for black bears and if not, would you have any hesitations about using this round for bears?

Rocky Raab
12-30-2005, 08:47 AM
Well, if all I had to use against a black bear was a 357 Magnum, that's the ammo I'd choose.

But I've always said that since "bear" has four letters, the smallest caliber you use for it should start with a "4".

For self-defense against "men" a "3" caliber is fine. :rolleyes:

L. Cooper
12-30-2005, 01:33 PM
So, Rocky, what do you consider good for rhinoceros?

I am also one who would never think of the .357 as a bear round unless I had nothing else. Have a close look at the numbers. A .30-30 will make the .357 Mag look very mild.

Rocky Raab
12-30-2005, 03:40 PM
Coop, a handgun for Rhinoceros can be any one you choose - as long as it has your name deeply engraved on it.

The rhino won't eat the gun, and the engraved name will help identify the patch of reddish mud that used to be you!

model 70
12-30-2005, 06:29 PM

buffalo bore states that the "heavy .357mag" ammo in a winchester model 94 surpasses standard 30-30 in power and speed.

12-30-2005, 09:36 PM
"buffalo bore states that the "heavy .357mag" ammo in a winchester model 94 surpasses standard 30-30 in power and speed."
Well, Model 70, I do not doubt you that they state that.
If I were offred only a 357 magnum or 30-30 chambering in a 94, for bears, I'll take the 30-30. No matter what they state.
Stand a 357 Magnum loaded cartridge, and a 30-30 loaded cartridge next to each other...heavy 357 load with a 180 grain bullet, and a 170 grain 30-30 load, so that you're comparing similar bullet weights. Take a good look, compare the two, then apply common sense.

L. Cooper
12-31-2005, 11:21 AM
I don't know just why the .357 Magnum has such a cult following. It's believers give it powers way beyond what the laws of physics can deliver. It is a good revolver chambering, but it can do nothing magical.

I have always argued that there isn't anything that can be done with a handgun that can't be done better with a long gun except carry and concealment. Once it's time to get the gun into action, you're always better off with some kind of rifle or shotgun.

model 70
01-03-2006, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Jack
"buffalo bore states that the "heavy .357mag" ammo in a winchester model 94 surpasses standard 30-30 in power and speed."
Well, Model 70, I do not doubt you that they state that.
If I were offred only a 357 magnum or 30-30 chambering in a 94, for bears, I'll take the 30-30. No matter what they state.
Stand a 357 Magnum loaded cartridge, and a 30-30 loaded cartridge next to each other...heavy 357 load with a 180 grain bullet, and a 170 grain 30-30 load, so that you're comparing similar bullet weights. Take a good look, compare the two, then apply common sense.

good point but ya know, the same could be said for all the short-mags vs. the "old, out dated" magnums that have been around forever.

01-27-2006, 10:55 AM
In reference to your question, if you are hunting from a tree stand over bait, I would'nt have any problems with heavy constructed bullets at short distances. Black bears are not as formidable under most circumstances as their larger cousins. I'm in Alaska and where there are black bears, there are usually Browns close by, thus up here I wouldn't carry anything smaller than a 44 Mag with heat treated cast bullets such as those offered by Cast Performance. You may feel as though it is wasteful to use such a bullet/round on black bears, but when a brown walks into your area and "winds" you, you will feel undergunned very quickly.


01-27-2006, 11:56 AM
"good point but ya know, the same could be said for all the short-mags vs. the "old, out dated" magnums that have been around forever."
OK, let's try a different way of comparing. Check some reloading manuals for powder charges. Compare the 357 and the 30-30. Compare the 300 Win Mag (the older one) and the 300 WSM.
I'll tell ya what you'll find. The 2 300 magnums use surprisingly similar amounts of powder (within 5% or so).
The 357 uses about 13 grains of powder. The 30-30 uses around 34 grains.
This is a very rough thumbnail comparison, but it should give you the picture.
The 30-30 is simply more gun.

model 70
02-04-2006, 11:46 AM
ok well until i find a 4" barreled revolver in 30-30 i'm stuck with this whimpy ol' .357 and these mousey buffalo bore rounds:D

i sure do hope these 185gr. hard cast bullets are enough:cool: