12-30-2005, 12:27 PM
bare with me im thinking out loud here. :)
there seems to be a battle going in my head latly, im debateing with myself over the 270win and 270wsm. i had it in my head that haveing 270win along side 270wsm just would not make sence and i could do all i wanted with the 270win. how wrong i was
but then the nagging voice keeps saying but man remember how those 140gr bullets shot so good out of the wsm case and are faster than the 270win shooting 130s. they also have very high bc but not much higher than the 130s.
then it comes down to use. the 270win i see as a 3-9 powerd rifle used for all around hunting close to mid range 250 ish being about the furthest id want to go. i get the blah this boreing sensation with this caliber. maybe blowing out the 270case would fire up my intrest in the rifle, but why.
it seems most acurate loads useing 140gr bullets in the 270win are in the 2600-2800 ballpark while the wsm 140 acurate loads are 2900-3200 (most falling in the 3000-3100 and some change)
in all reality on game the little bit of advantage the wsm has will be unoticed, but the caliber has the flare im looking for. im wanting a strickly long range(not beyond 500yd) hunting rifle. i think my purchase of winchester 270wsm cases and 140gr bares tripple shock bullets i made yesterday enfasizes that i just dont think i can live without the one other best 277 caliber around. the 270wsm
i think im going to trade my life long companion in on a 270wsm of some make or style once i figure that out(a hint of sarcasm there, the 270 was gift from dad when i was little and will be with me forever)
the wsm is alive and living in me the bite that the first wsm rifle put on me must be swelled and getting agravated. as ive decided i just dont think i can live without it.
thanks for listening.
there seems to be a battle going in my head latly, im debateing with myself over the 270win and 270wsm. i had it in my head that haveing 270win along side 270wsm just would not make sence and i could do all i wanted with the 270win. how wrong i was
but then the nagging voice keeps saying but man remember how those 140gr bullets shot so good out of the wsm case and are faster than the 270win shooting 130s. they also have very high bc but not much higher than the 130s.
then it comes down to use. the 270win i see as a 3-9 powerd rifle used for all around hunting close to mid range 250 ish being about the furthest id want to go. i get the blah this boreing sensation with this caliber. maybe blowing out the 270case would fire up my intrest in the rifle, but why.
it seems most acurate loads useing 140gr bullets in the 270win are in the 2600-2800 ballpark while the wsm 140 acurate loads are 2900-3200 (most falling in the 3000-3100 and some change)
in all reality on game the little bit of advantage the wsm has will be unoticed, but the caliber has the flare im looking for. im wanting a strickly long range(not beyond 500yd) hunting rifle. i think my purchase of winchester 270wsm cases and 140gr bares tripple shock bullets i made yesterday enfasizes that i just dont think i can live without the one other best 277 caliber around. the 270wsm
i think im going to trade my life long companion in on a 270wsm of some make or style once i figure that out(a hint of sarcasm there, the 270 was gift from dad when i was little and will be with me forever)
the wsm is alive and living in me the bite that the first wsm rifle put on me must be swelled and getting agravated. as ive decided i just dont think i can live without it.
thanks for listening.