View Full Version : so im back

12-31-2005, 11:30 PM
hope the waterfowlers here had a nice christmas , the new year is 24 mins old now, some computer problems had me off line a few weeks but there was some good stuff in those weeks. first of all i got my B.S. in wildlife science on the 17th. so nature decided to send me a few graduation gifts. the monday after was freezing and we hunt a little spring fed farm pond that doesnt freeze and isnt yet surrounded by houses so when it gets wicked cold thats where we head. first bird of the day, a mallard drake landed, i let him stew until shooting time then sailed him a short way. a friend went to look for him and in the early light i thought my eyes were playing tricks, but the next bird to skitter over the 40yd circle pond had a real big nose and the head looked red? could it be? well i dumped him and ran as fast as waders would allow to find a nice canvasback drake belly up in the cat tails! highlight of my season right then and there. on a farm pond. then next day the first lonely goose to come in i put belly up to see him kicking jewelry. first time for that too. 3 days hunting we killed 30 birds, mostly mallards and a few blackducks and geese. now if i dont get my but kicked at lincoln financial field tomorrow life will be good. goooooo skins

12-31-2005, 11:51 PM

Glad to see you back on. The wife has gone to sleep for the night because she has to work early in the morning, so I am sitting here checking the board.

I am just getting into the swing of hunting season after limiting out on doves on September 1 & 2. So far, the season has been somewhat decent for me. I hunted deer for two days the week after Thanksgiving and killed two does. I went goose hunting the week before Thanksgiving and killed a single goose. If I were to tell you the story of that day, or if I had it on video tape, you would be laughing. Suffice it to say that my dad and I should have gotten our 10 bird limit that day if it wasn't for the dog and some sloppy hunting on our part. I went dove hunting on Friday and killed a single bird, but that hunt was mostly to scout out some geese. Went goose hunting this morning and we killed 3 out of the first group. Again, we should have had our 10 bird limit, but the dog hasn't grasped the concept of hunting out of a Mutt Hutt blind yet. On a couple of occassions, he launched himself out of the blind like a missile before we even started shooting. That was okay on the first group because they were in range. However, it was a problem on the second group because they were locked up and at about 80 yards when he launched himself. After correcting that problem, I had to deal with him sticking his head out of the blind and looking around while the birds were coming in. I had 4 groups that locked up and flared after seeing the dog's head. All in all, it was a successful hunt because Nitro learned a ton today. On the last couple of groups, some of which only gave us a slight look because there were about one thousand birds in the field beside ours, Nitro stayed in the blind, albeit under severe protest (i.e., he was whining like crazy). The poor dog was shaking with excitement throughout the entire hunt.

As far as the Skins are concerned, I say go Skins too. However, I have no idea if they can even make the playoffs at this point. Is Lincoln Financial Field the name of the Eagles' new stadium? If so, you could possibly die there.

01-01-2006, 04:54 AM
Happy New Year all. This season has gone good here too . Wv deer gave me a small whitetail buck, here in Md I harvested a doe with muzzle loader, and a sika buck and a white tail buck with rifle. Delaware gave up some canadas and snows to me and here at the house I have been on the bay chasing the sea ducks and killing a few old squaws and buffleheads with a really wild trip last Monday when the weather turned on me in a heart beat. Wind got up, waves got up, bilge pump gave up the ghost, decoys started breaking loose, and I was on the opposite side of the bay in the sea duck zone. After finally managing to chase down and pick up two strings of blue bill decoys and admiting defeat to a string of old squaw decoys which are probably in the Atlantic I had to make a butt tightening trip back to the boat ramp. An online order to Knutsons and the new squaws are on their way. Tomorrow morning I head to North Carolina for a couple of days hunting puddle ducks and hopefully filling a tundra swan tag then back on Thursday for a day in one of the Wye Island pits for Canadas. As for the pigskin, even though I know Im bending over on this one, if the Steelers cant do it the Skins may as well. LOL

01-02-2006, 12:38 PM
THE SKINS ARE IN , THE SKINS ARE IN OH MY GOD THE SKINS ARE IN!!! man im glad to see that things are turning out nicely for others here as well, saturdays goose hunt was hell, we usually own the zip code, but that day, every field in town had hunters, i got kinda pissed at one of my friends over a goose hunting technique dispute so the day ended bad with no birds
as for the skins, well the burgundy and gold turned out in force, i mean force! it was damn near a 50/50 crowd, so many virginia and maryland plates in the parking lot. inside i hit panic mode around 17-7 eagles, but man the Defense was incredible, the bomb to santana moss i thought was gonna land in my lap. in the bathroom i thought i was gonna get my but kicked while i peed, so then i headed out to the parking lot for kababs, cognac and a stick of nicuragua finest tobacco, im in heaven right now.
rubicon, be careful on that big water, i have a buddy who hunts big water and he scares me to death when he gets back late and doesnt call any one at home. that water can turn on you quick, definately not worth risking it for a string of squaws

01-05-2006, 03:09 PM
another thing i wonder if any one else is noticing, we are used to few snows this time of year, the occasional bunch of like 50, the last two times i have been out for canadas, we have had an almost steady stream of snows over head from sun up till noon. any body else seem them where they shouldnt be or not where they should be? i got some body trying to talk me into putting 700 rags out with my canadas ( a discussion i have voiced my opinion on here before)

01-05-2006, 05:01 PM
kt, when we hunted the snows in Del. we put out about 500 shells the first day and did nothing. when I went back we put out about the same amout of socks and had birds coming in on us all morning. We put out a couple dozen big foot canadas on the outside of the snow socks and ended up hunting over them before the day was done. The canadas came in on the outside edge of the snows but didnt intermingle with them. Just got back from a couple days hunting in North Carolina and they had big flocks of snows but no canadas. I dont know if it is always like that down there. And the NC ducks, this ole mountain boy aint never seen so many pintails and ring necks as they had on that flooded corn.

01-20-2006, 10:17 PM
wont be getting out tomorrow so today was all she wrote for my goose season. sitting in the mud in short sleeves about 245, 3 geese showed up locked up like they wanted to die, didnt make a sound so neither did i, they came skimming in, the only sound i made was BANG BANG BANG.........BANG (cripple). picked up my 8 sillouettes and went home. truly was a good season i hate to see go finished with exactly 30 geese on the season