View Full Version : Hey Tree Doc Lookie Here!!!!!!!!!

01-02-2006, 07:57 PM
Tree Doc , Here is a pic of the S&W that I will be carrying instead of the model 49. Your not going to believe this but my Father in Law asked if I would sell a couple of his handguns for him. I said sure, which ones are you selling? He said I have two S&W revolvers . A model 10-7 2" snub nose and a Model 10-5 4" barrel Mint in the box. The model 10-7 he has carried since 1977. Soooo when oppertunity knocks you answer the friggin door! I bought the model10-7 snubby and will make the model 49 a Safe Queen Piece! You said yourself you would seal that one up. So I decided thats what I am going to do!:D

01-02-2006, 10:27 PM
You're startin' to p*ss me off, Roy! :p

Another sweet revolver! I sure wish that S&W would start doing those pretty bluing jobs again but I guess those days are over. :rolleyes:

I am most envious of your new collection! ;)

01-03-2006, 01:16 PM
hey treedoc

i'm with you. as matthew quigley once said, "you're really starting to annoy me".

actually i'm green with envy. those are some beautiful pistols.

6,5, you are one lucky guy.

01-03-2006, 04:06 PM
I think my Rossi/Taurus M351 is designed after your Smith snubby. They look almost alike.
For an inexpensive wheelgun, my Rossi shoots great. It is surprisingly well put together. Ya know, for a Rossi...

I can only imagine how great your Smith will do for ya.

01-05-2006, 05:55 PM
Hey Greg, I went and loaded up some 125 Gr Remington Golden Sabre Bullets for the 38 special snubby and used 7.4 grains of Blue Dot ,book says est velocity 1065 fps. Anyways was shooing offhand at 25 yds at a full size sillouhete target . Decided to try six head shots and kept them all in there at 25 yds. For a 2" barrel I am very happy with that!:D

01-05-2006, 08:11 PM
Six head shots in double action is better than I can do at 25y, with a snubby! I thought my cheap Rossi was a clone of your Smith, but mine is only a 5 shooter.

Nice pice ya got there!!! Good shootin to!!!!