View Full Version : TSB Barnes Bullet- What Loads?

01-03-2006, 03:07 PM
I've been using these bullets and really like the effectiveness of them on elk. However, I feel like I'm "flying by the seat of my pants" when it comes to loading them.

Has Barnes ever listed recommended loads for this bullet? I hate to think I have to buy another Barnes reloading manual just to get the specs on loading this bullet.

Presently, I'm shooting the 150 grain in a 30-06. I'm dropping 58 grains of IMR4350. Is this beyond max or am I still OK? I don't see any indications of excessive pressure.

Rocky Raab
01-03-2006, 05:09 PM
I didn't look up that particular load, but Barnes says to use their regular Barnes X load data for the Triple Shock (NOT data for the coated XLC. Use bare-bullet data.)

01-03-2006, 06:21 PM
According to my Barnes your load is within limits. Also when I contacted Barnes they said it was safe to exceed thier max loads using the TSX but that is the max for the standard X bullet not the XLC bullets! They suggested doing this at .5gr at a time while checking for pressure signs also seat the bullets anywhere from .030 to .050 of the lands for best accuracy. I use these bullets alot and found them to be great they are very accurate and just absolutely devastating on deer!