View Full Version : Looking for Fire Dept-related ringtones

Skinny Shooter
01-06-2006, 04:19 PM
We get dispatched thru text messaging on our cellphones in addition to pagers and want to find a better ringtone than what came with my phone.
Anyone have an idea where I might find the alert tones from the tv show Emergency? I've check out a quite a few sites and found nada. I have the .wav files already but have no idea what to convert them to or how to upload them to my Sanyo phone.


01-06-2006, 06:22 PM
heard this on a phone not long ago.....

...."This is Rampart Base"...

01-07-2006, 08:19 PM
My Version phone has an option that will let you download ring tones for a cost. I didn’t know you could download tones from a puter into a cell. Then again my GF just taught me how to text message last month, so that is how much I know about cell phones.
Half the options on cell phones are useless anyhow. Like a horrible camera, games, and other kiddy crap. That shows who cell phones are marketed for;) . I do like the phones with a two-way radio. I wonder if they make them with G.P.S.? Not just the kind used as homing beacons, but a useable G.P.S., and if possible has a switch that shuts off the homing G.P.S. .
I hate cell phones. Lets be honest, they are leashes!