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01-08-2006, 08:17 AM
Not many Traditional Muzzleloaders here,, huh??
Adam Helmer
01-08-2006, 10:46 AM
Welcome to the Forum. I would say you will find many more "Traditional Muzzleloaders" on this site than any other on this Forum. If you scroll down the list of topics, you will see many traditional matters have been discussed on this site. I hope this helps.
01-08-2006, 11:39 AM
Mornin Adam Helmer
I just noticed that the posts I answered to have not been looked at by the numbers of viewed so I was just wonderin, Not complainin, just observing,
Welcome to the Forum. I would say you will find many more "Traditional Muzzleloaders" on this site than any other on this Forum. If you scroll down the list of topics, you will see many traditional matters have been discussed on this site. I hope this helps.
Adam [/B][/QUOTE]
Gil Martin
01-08-2006, 11:50 AM
What types of traditional muzzleloaders do you prefer? I have both flintlocks and percussions, but like flintlocks a bit better. All the best...
01-08-2006, 02:23 PM
Afternoon Gil Martin
I'm kinda new at ML's, I have shot em since bout 84 but just started learnin bout em, I have a T/C Hawkin 50 cal with the 1 in 66 barrel, cap, (cap locks, the better getter) I had to send it back to T/C to check out, I told em it didn't always hit the center of the bulls eye, They said to send it to em and they will shoot it and check it out, I like that Company, I didn't have the heart to tell em that I also have 58 y/o eyes,,,
Originally posted by Gil Martin
What types of traditional muzzleloaders do you prefer? I have both flintlocks and percussions, but like flintlocks a bit better. All the best...
Adam Helmer
01-08-2006, 04:13 PM
I guess I still do not understand your question. The number of "views", are the number of folks who looked into the thread. The "replies" are those who chose to post a comment. Please restate your question so we can be helpful.
01-08-2006, 05:24 PM
Evenin Adam Helmer
Sir, I made an error in my post of readin the views, It was a mistake on MY part, I will be more careful,,
You have already been helpful by your quick reply,,
Originally posted by Adam Helmer
I guess I still do not understand your question. The number of "views", are the number of folks who looked into the thread. The "replies" are those who chose to post a comment. Please restate your question so we can be helpful.
01-08-2006, 07:53 PM
Where you been hiding stranger? :)
Still making stuff out of hides?
01-09-2006, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by quigleysharps4570
Where you been hiding stranger? :)
Still making stuff out of hides?
Mornin quigleysharps4570
Yep, I'm still playin with leather, I got a story for ya,,
Ya know, boys,, I'm a very lucky man,, I have a Lady that LOVES anything I make for her, And this year I am a lil short on funds, Buildin our habitat and such,, So, I decided I would make my Lady something again, Now remember,, I love my Lady,, I started out with this and it was 1/4 full plus it was only 9am when I started (or there bouts)
Now this is where my love for Her comes in,, I drank that 1/4 so I could have an empty one for Her,, And I did it early in the mornin!!! Now that boys,, is real Love,,,,
Any way, She walks the land a lot in the summer time, She likes to go down to the old cemetery we have on here and sit, Then will walk to the creek and will end up back at the habitat, Soo I know She gets thirsty durin Her walk,, I made her a canteen to carry water with her,, She's not much of a drinker,, What's ya think ??
01-09-2006, 05:21 AM
Great job! Better than any store bought item you could've got for her.
02-08-2006, 12:21 PM
I really like the braided strap,,,a lot more historically accurate then most people think...very nice workmanship and the personalization is something she'll cherish...
I took 3 leather shoelaces 60" in length and braided then together and use it for a belt to carry my "fire sack" and a belt possibles bag...and it’s long enough so I can carry it over my shoulder if I want...
02-11-2006, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by SeekHer
I really like the braided strap,,,a lot more historically accurate then most people think...very nice workmanship and the personalization is something she'll cherish...
I took 3 leather shoelaces 60" in length and braided then together and use it for a belt to carry my "fire sack" and a belt possibles bag...and it’s long enough so I can carry it over my shoulder if I want...
Mornin SeekHer
Got any pictures of it?? I like to sea other's workmanship,, gives me idear's
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