View Full Version : skeet, fabs
01-09-2006, 07:06 AM
And anyone else on the shore or close to it. How have you guys done with the ducks so far this year?? I personnaly have not even bothered going to much caus of the weather. My buddy that hunts the marsh down in west Ocean City said he has not seen very many birds, and he has put out a ton of corn just to get them useing. But the 2 areas he dumped corn, the birds are not useing. He can watch the 2 areas from the golf course he works at, and he told me that they have not been on it yet. Not to say they have not been there but he gets there before light and no birds and leaves at dark , no birds. so the 2 prime times of the day to see the birds on it they are not there. This 50+ degree weather is killing us. I was woundering if you have had the same thing or maybe the birds are staying closer to the big bay.
Now we have a **** ton of snow birds and a fair amount of candadian geese. But they are getting real flighty caus there has been a ton of pressure on them. With no ducks around the boys are staying in the fields shooting geese.
And it seems as if the doves have dissapeared too:mad:
01-09-2006, 11:09 AM
I went out goose hunting all of twice in December and didn't see any ducks either day, but plenty of geese. We should have limited out on geese both days, but my dog is having trouble with his new Mutt Hutt blind (i.e., he doesn't understand that he has to stay in it). Went out dove hunting all of twice in the last week of December and saw plenty of geese both days and two large groups of ducks the second day. The ducks were flying so high that they must have had oxygen masks on. The geese were so low that I could have possibly shot them while dove hunting. There were also a ton of doves in the field I was hunting, but they wouldn't let me get close and once shot at they would leave the field and not come back. The first day, we got to the field late and they were already in the field. One shot, one dove, and they were all gone. The second day we got there way before sunrise and we tried shooting them as they were coming into the field. I should have killed 4 doves that morning, but poor shooting on my part resulted in only a single kill, 2 wounded birds, and a complete miss. There were other misses, but not on gimmes.
I drove up to Long Island, New York Saturday morning and saw very little geese (i.e., 3 groups) along I-95/New Jersey Turnpike between 8:00 and 10:00 in the morning. I was truly surprised by that because I usually see tons of them at this time of the year.
I have no idea what to tell you Del, but I agree with you. The geese that I do hunt are extremely wary and I see blinds in a lot of fields out here in Western Maryland. The Saturday that I hunted geese, I must have heard at least 5 other blinds shooting on them. Then again, that does keep them moving around to other fields.
Such is hunting.
01-09-2006, 11:40 AM
i know, was just woundering if you guys over that way were seeing any ducks.
01-09-2006, 03:40 PM
Hi Jay...Fabs... We are seing a lot of puddle ducks here all of a sudden. Started last week. Migrating birds...way up there. We have had a few in the pond where we hunt geese but we really don't shoot them. Farmer asked us not to. Talking around with some of my friends on the shore. One runs an RSA in Dorchester and he has lots of wild birds including teal and woodies. A fellow on my DU commitee just called and told me he is seeing a lot of Blackheads(lesser scaup) and very few cans. The guys on the refuge forum aren't seeing many cans and Redheads either. I haven't had 10 ducks in the pond at home here in 10 days but oh boy do we have the geese. The darn things are getting call shy now too. We still limited out(14) this A M by 0910 but the darn things were tough. Bad wind too so we had to shoot them coming from behind and dropping fast. Tough shooting. Had about 2000 in the CRP ground at home today. Couldn't see their body but could see their heads. Looked funny. Unless we get some cold it looks as though the wild duck shootin this year is gonna be a washout. BTW we have to shoot sometime in the next 4 weeks. After that I will be gone to Wyoming for a month or so. Call me if ya get the chance.
01-09-2006, 05:00 PM
Hey guys, Same thing here. Hunted in Eastern Bay three days and saw lots of blue bills and old squaws next to what the watermen call bird s**t island but it is not in the sea duck zone. Geese are stacked up here around the house but cant hunt them. Very few ducks here in crab alley bay and my neighbors saw usually they are in our back yards? Hunted Wye Island pit and the geese were really weary. Did do good in NC for two days. Got a tundra swan and limited out on ringnecks and teal.
01-10-2006, 06:31 AM
Well guys If you wanna shoot this Sun. is good for me. The wife is off, and as of right now the weather for Sun. does not look to be to bab. partly cloudy highs in the mid 40's. Let me know what you guys think.
01-10-2006, 08:16 AM
Hey Fabs...Rubicon... How about it. Shootin Sunday?? Fabs bring your dad. Rubicon...You know you don't have anything planned for this weekend! BTW did you see any Scoters in Eastern Bay? Just wondering. Hey Jay...there are a bunch of redlegged black ducks in ths streams etc around here. Them yankee ducks ya know!!
01-10-2006, 10:04 AM
Shooting on Sunday sounds fine with me. The wife has off, but she wants to study for the Maryland Pharmacy Boards.
Whether or not my dad can make it depends on when the Redskins game is because he will probably want to watch it. However, I would choose to shoot over watching football any day with the exception of the Super Bowl.
What time is good for everybody on Sunday? What did we shoot for last time? Was it 10:00? 10:00 will probably work better for me because I have to go to my parents and pick up my stuff first, and possibly my dad.
01-11-2006, 06:57 AM
10 is fine with me. Pintail point again or somewhere different?
01-11-2006, 11:16 AM
The place doesn't matter to me either, as long as somebody gives me directions to any other place we decide to shoot. Pintail is the only place I have shot sporting clays on the Eastern Shore, so if you guys have anything else in mind, let me know.
Right now, I have a head cold and I am hoping that I am through with it before the weekend. However, if it gets worse, I will have to bail.
01-11-2006, 12:05 PM
Oh you wuss. I always knew you boys on the dark side of the bay could not hang.:p
Seriously , I hope you get feeling better. And as far as where we shoot I'll leave that up to skeet.
01-11-2006, 12:34 PM
Hey Pintail is ok with me. We all know where it is so it'll be ok. Now we have to get Rubicon. Next thing ya know we'll have 6 or 7 shootin.:D Think I will PM Rubicon
01-11-2006, 12:42 PM
Hey Jay...don't wuss him too much. We need a pigeon to help pay for the shootin. The guy form the dark side figures he can still hang with us country bumpkins. This weekend we gonna have to bear down on them birds. Maybe we can get enough birds at a buck per to pay fer the shootin. (you know he'll be there now!!) The gauntlet has been thrown down...and he gonna pick it up!:D :D He really can't stand a challenge..hehehe:eek:
01-11-2006, 01:39 PM
For the couple of times that Skeet and I have hung out, he is pretty much dead on about me not being able to resist a challenge, especially in my younger years. However, a lot of people say that my wallet squeeks when I open it because I hate to part with money. Knowing that Skeet is a pretty good shooter himself, I think I'll skip on the dollar a bird challenge.
As far as being there, I will be there unless I am dying (i.e., fever). My problem with getting sick is that I got bronchitis once when I was 18 during a bike race in Central Park, New York in March and I am much more susceptible to lung infections now. The weather was warm in Maryland right before I left, so I didn't bother to pack much winter gear. However, it was snowing in New York when we got there that night and being young and stupid, I had to race the next morning. I did well, but felt like complete crap afterward. The team manager took us to another race in Philly on the way home and I passed on it and stayed in the van. Well, being a hard head like I am, I continued to train and race because we had a pretty hectic schedule and I was doing rather well at first even though I was sick. After about a month of this, I finally went to the doctor to find out that I had a severe case of bronchitis and was just a step away from walking pneumonia. Since then, I have had pneumonia once more which was accompanied by a 104 degree fever, but that was during a December when they were working me to death at the firm and I was hunting as hard as I possibly could. I have learned my lesson since then, work for myself and hunt in moderation.
As far as the city boy, country boy thing, it seems I cannot win. My friends from the city think I live in the country and my friends from the country think I live in the city. Oh well, I guess you can say I have the best of both worlds.
01-11-2006, 03:42 PM
hehehehehe. Knew ya couldn't stand it. Don't want to swell your haid too much...but you ain't a bad gun pointer either..fer a city boy from the dark side of course.:D
01-11-2006, 10:43 PM
My dad must have really liked the two of you the last time we went shooting because I asked him if he wanted to go shooting this Sunday and as always, he answered with a question. "Are we going to the same place and shooting with those guys again?" My answer of course was yes. After that, he got really excited. Must be because he knows the two of you will give me a hard time and he can kind of relax. LOL
01-12-2006, 06:57 AM
Well he just knows good people when he see them;) Should be a fun time Sun. It is not suppose to rain or anything but the winds are going to be up. So I will have an excuse for a poor day:D
01-12-2006, 09:23 AM
I'll see you guys at Pintail at 10:00 a.m. Still haven't heard anything from Rubicon though. Skeet, have you heard anything from him?
01-12-2006, 11:19 AM
Nada..not a word..and I even PM'd him. Sunday at 10. Shoulda done it today. Sunday high is forecast for 41 and Windy. 64 outside right this minute.
01-12-2006, 11:46 AM
And Saturday it is supposed to rain. Looks like we had better enjoy today and tomorrow while we can.
Windy days just makes shooting a lot more fun and challenging.
01-14-2006, 04:56 PM
Guys it is not looking real good for tomarrow 25 - 35 mph winds with gusts up to 55. temps in the lower to mid 30's. I am still game, but if you guys wanna put it off a couple weeks that is ok with me.
01-14-2006, 06:27 PM
Really looks like a bust. I'd hunt ducks in that kinda weather though...and have. The geese came in here tonight and just settled down. It really is blowing pretty good now. You may be right Jay. Hey Fabs lets do it next weekend or so.
01-14-2006, 10:41 PM
Sounds good to me. Let's pay attention to the weather and make a decision when it is a little nicer out. I don't mind the cold, but I really hate that kind of wind. Too bad we can't hunt on Sundays legally.
01-15-2006, 06:46 AM
It figures the day after our duck season ends we finnally get some good weather to hunt:( Oh well thats ducken. Maybe next year the weather and the birds will be here.
01-15-2006, 08:57 AM
Man Fabs..I REALLY wouldn't want to drive across that Bay Bridge in this kind of wind. You might end up in New Port News Va. Supposed to warm up again this week and then it'll probably get cold for real. Goose season for a couple more weeks. Ducks too. Gonna have to walk the streams for them. Lots of Blackheads in the Chester River(Near the old Remington Farms...feeding??) and in the Eastern Bay. Talk with y'all this week. Workin steady Jay? I know fabs is. Momma got his nose to the grindstone and shoulder to the wheel. If it gets decent during the week maybe we can get together if you have some time. I know the anser to that from Fabs though.....
01-15-2006, 11:12 AM
I wish work was steady. For some odd reason it has come to a complete stand still:( I was off all last week and this week is not looking much better. Maybe one day this week we can get together, and shoot a little gotta see how the money is.
01-15-2006, 12:27 PM
Yes, I am busy, especially with tax season right around the corner. However, the entire reason I work for myself and not a firm is so that I can take off from work when I want and do what I want with my life. So, I can shoot almost any day this week except for Monday and Tuesday because I have to be out at clients all day those days. Other than that, the calendar is open for the other days. It just means I will have to work later into the night. Like you, I have another 2 weeks of duck season, but haven't seen too many ducks. Unlike you, I have another month of goose season.
Anything happening with the snow geese this year? I have got to find a place on the Eastern Shore to buy. What would a 100 to 200 acre farm run out there with s POS house on it or no house at all?
01-15-2006, 12:34 PM
Around my area you are looking at 75,000 to 100,000 per acre maybe more the closer you get to the beach. there was a couple estate auctions this weekend i think. one was 90+ acres in Bishopville Md. about 10 min from me, the other was almost 200 acres on the water. forget where. I'll look and make sure of the dates. I'll edit this post if they have not taken place yet.
Take a look at this LINK ( It has 3 parcels in Bishopville each 20+ acres with one on the water.
There is anouther acution, the 2nd one down under upcoming auctions. If anyone is interested in getting a Ward Bros' decoy this would be an auction of intrest.
01-17-2006, 05:49 PM
WOW----What ya miss when you aint on the board a few days, An invite to go shoot, a cancellation of the invite, a PM, and FABS is buying us a farm to hunt on!
01-18-2006, 06:22 AM
lol and maybe if we are good he will get each of us one of those Ward Bros. decoys:D
01-18-2006, 10:08 AM
If I get my own farm anytime in the near future, all three of you will be invited to hunt with me. I need some hunting buddies to help put out all the decoys. That way, my dad and I can relax a little. LOL
01-18-2006, 10:25 AM
OH we are going to be his decoy sluts. We have to put the decoys out and pick 'em up and rearrange them..retrieve the birds(he'll retire Nitro). I can hear it now....FETCH!!! Back..back....GOOD BOYS!! Hey Del...maybe we'll have to shoot 'em for him too!!hehehehe:D I do know how to bump an arm or so.:eek: Yep...I can hear it now... Saying to Delduck.."Oh guide...when will the birds be getting here?" and then..."oh guide, please don't blow the goose call too loudly. It may interrupt my nap!" "have you fixed my snack yet"
Just gotta let you know..The wind hit 62 MPH pretty steady at 45 according to my gauge this AM. Was going goosin..but we decided to let it go for today. Wind died off to 30 steady 15 minutes later. 20 minutes ago the geese started coming in here. big bunches. Have near 5000 as I type...and still coming in little groups. Out in the CRP ground now...eatin grass or whatever:cool:
01-18-2006, 11:20 AM
Yeah, that sounds good Skeet. Just need to make sure that I have a mocha latte and some type of exotic breakfast sandwich too.
As you know, that definitely is not me. I think most of the fun that comes with hunting is the work done to get the game. Anybody can shoot targets and if that is all I wanted I would just shoot clays all the time. Heck, clays are somewhat more challenging than geese as far as just shooting them is concerned. The challenging part of goose hunting is getting them to come into shooting range. Once they are within 30 yards, it would be a pretty miserable day if too many shells didn't yield birds.
You are almost making me jealous with your description of the birds coming in; however, I did see my first pair of mallards this season yesterday morning out of the kitchen window and the geese have been flying around here pretty decently lately. Just haven't had the time to get out and hunt.
01-18-2006, 03:19 PM
Oh yeah, and after we get the spread out in the cold-dark I guess we will have to draw straws to see who has to go to the house and wake him up! Actually, I would almost volunteer to carry someones gun AND play retriever to get a place to hunt over here.!LOL FABS, I wouldnt really carry your gun, but I might make my son do it for me. I found the ducks, They are all sitting under the bay bridge on the eastern side.
01-18-2006, 04:59 PM
If I had a farm and invited you guys to hunt, I wouldn't expect you to do any more work than I did myself. A job done by many is a lot easier than the same job done by two people (i.e., me and my dad). Plus, we would be able to shoot more birds with more people around. Now, I just need to work on how to buy a place.
01-18-2006, 05:47 PM
Just having a little fun Fabs, no harm intended1
01-18-2006, 11:18 PM
I didn't take any offense whatsoever. In fact, I got a couple of good laughs out of this thread so far. I just want everybody to know that I wouldn't abuse you if I invited you to hunt with me.
Absolutely no offense taken.
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