View Full Version : Mark I or .22 Standard

01-09-2006, 07:21 PM
I have a ruger .22 pistol I am trying to ID. I was told when I bought it ($50.00) it was a Ruger Mark I. But, nothing other than print on the inside of the pearlite grips saying it is a Mark I ID's it.

It has the "bump" for the follower button on the left side like the A-100 frames, but does not have A-100 stamped on it as I am told it should.

It has the 4.75" barrel, which indicates it is a Standard .22 and there are no markings on the pistol that say Mark I. It does not have the warning label.

I called Ruger (got voicemail, of course) and left a message, but have received no answer. I am assuming I have a Standard model made sometime between 1971 and 1984 with a set of Mark I grips. Anyone have any info that will help me nail it down? Thanks!

01-09-2006, 09:32 PM
Check the Ruger website- they have a serial number look up feature that will tell you when your pistol was made.
That may help you identify it.

01-09-2006, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Jack
Check the Ruger website- they have a serial number look up feature that will tell you when your pistol was made.
That may help you identify it.

Thanks, I did not see that when I was on their site. It says that my SN was produced in 1978. But that page was for Mark I's and Standard's. I still think it is a Standard. I have not found any reference to a Mark I with less than a 6" barrel. I will call the records department (found that number at the bottom of the SN page, thanks) and find out for sure. I hate it when I get a question like this bouncing around in my head, I have to get to the bottom of it.

01-10-2006, 05:12 PM
My Ruger doesnt have A-100 stamped on the frame. The "bump" for the follower button is on the left side. I have to buy Mark 1 mags, and swich the button from right to left for them to fit. Mine was purchesed between 76-78.

So eather we have a Standard mod. , or we are both in the ? boat. Whatever the gun is called, its a real nice .22. $50 is a good deal.