View Full Version : Harper states intention of endig the Firearms Registry.

Cal Sibley
01-10-2006, 04:08 AM
I just read in the National Post that Harper has announced his intention of shutting down the Firearms registry in favor of spending the money on more police and arming the border crossing guards if he's elected. It'll be a welcome relief to be sure. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

01-11-2006, 02:58 PM
definately a better use of the resources!!:p

01-12-2006, 08:46 PM

Lets keep our fingers crossed. It would be the only good thing to happen in federal politics in many years.

For Martin to say none of us should have handguns so that no one can break in and steal them, when the assh*&%$ in the street gangs are using unregistered weapons smuggled into the country is absurd.

01-24-2006, 07:59 PM
Don't just rely on Harper.

Write letters, call your MP, MPP ...fight for your own right!

12GA guy
01-29-2006, 04:06 AM
The sooner it ends the better, this foolishness has gone on long enough.:mad:

01-29-2006, 04:47 PM
I have my doubts as to whether or not this will be the end of the gun registry.With the large sum of money already spent on this program,the loss of jobs assocciated with the program and their minority position in parliament this could be the Conservatives undoing.They got very limited support in areas that support gun control and to further erode this by doing away with the program could be their demise.I don't believe it will take long before we have another nonconfidence vote.Unless they get in bed with one of the other parties they are toast.

L. Cooper
01-29-2006, 11:42 PM
I have to agree that it is unlikely the new Conservatives will do much to the gun registry. I'm afraid all the people who thought Harper and his friends are some new kind of politicians are in for a rude awakening. He will be much more interested in staying in power than in doing anything to advance the conservative social agenda.

To do anything about the gun registry will alienate way too many voters in Ontario and Quebec - just the voters he is desperately trying to please right now. He can't afford to make any moves that might destroy the small percentages he has managed to attract.

Politicians lie - especially the ones who say they are going to clean up all the lies told by politicians. Anyone who voted for them thinking they would get the gun laws repealed will be dissapointed.

01-30-2006, 09:01 PM
It is said that it is alot easier to get new laws, than it is to take old ones away.

I fear that the gun registry will be the same.

Too much money spent on it already to just "throw it out' Especially considering the support it gets from the anti's.....

02-01-2006, 11:30 AM
let's just hope that while in power that Harper can rid the registry.
and for that he has my support,because once it is gone it may be to costly to restart,if that money was directed to areas such as health care ,stimulating the economies of Canada. education etc.
;) Ken.

02-01-2006, 02:22 PM
I think it may have to be restructured from lack of funding, in other words, there will only be sufficient funds to maintain a handgun registry. Public opinion and Police data will support the phasing out of long gun registration. Harper still remains credible in his commitment not to shut down Miramichi, and credible to his electorate in his promise to phase out most firearm registration. Time will tell, my opinion is, once I prove myself able to obtain a PAL there should be no restrictions on barrel length, magazine capacity or calibre (25/32), these are stupid conditions that serve no valid purpose. If we parallel US gun laws, we do not create a black market for "forbidden" fruit. Increase time served and impose a mandatory sentence for felony gun crime can remove offenders for a very long time.

02-06-2006, 12:07 AM
If Harper does not go back to the 1995 position, as Garry B. has been saying for several years, he will suffer from it later. Many people in Canada have been counting on him doing the right thing, what they have been promising to do, dump the long gun registry.

Again. If he doesn't, then he has misjudged how important it is in many areas and he will suffer the consequences. I think he will dump the long gun registry and keep the restricted and prohibited registry.....plus the firearms licence.

I would like to see them make the firearms licence a permanent licence. They can revoke it if someone gets convicted of a serious offence, but there is little reason to make us all go throught the process every 5 years for no reason. It costs more to process the application and renewal than what they get for a fee.

03-26-2006, 05:22 AM
I think that Harper is absolutely NO different from any other post-WWII politician, with VERY few exceptions; he is a creature of the low-profile, really wealthy and powerful people who have always run Canada to their agenda ( current multicult-immigration policy?) and he will do as they say. His mentor and adviser is "Lyin' Brian" Mulroney, a strong advocate of extreme gun control/confiscation, that should indicate what his REAL policy is.

Harper will publicly allow the long-gun registry to wither due to lack of funding, BUT, he will NOT eliminate the fascist legislation that enables it and thus it will be back with the first Lieberal government that replaces him in the travesty known as the Parliament of Canada. This will allow him to claim to have fulfilled his campaign promises to eliminate the registry............

My gun rights are inherent in my birth and my direct ancestors first came to Canada in the 17th C., yet, the APPOINTED Supreme Court of Canada does NOT "protect" MY firearms rights. They most emphatically protect the "right" of an immigrant Sikh to carry a dagger in schools, courts, the House of Commons and elsewhere in contravention of centuries of our primarily British-based traditions concerning such behaviour.

The younger generation has been systematically brain-washed to believe that any criticism of this is "racist", our pathetic and socialistic public school system is at fault here and our increasingly vulgar, "dumbed-down" and decadent society demonstrates this constantly. I fully expect the systematic elimination of privately held firearms to continue and the softening of "recreational" drug laws will also continue, this is NOT coincidental.

Freedom in Canada, the illusion we cherish............

12GA guy
04-14-2006, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by kutenay
My gun rights are inherent in my birth and my direct ancestors first came to Canada in the 17th C., yet, the APPOINTED Supreme Court of Canada does NOT "protect" MY firearms rights. They most emphatically protect the "right" of an immigrant Sikh to carry a dagger in schools, courts, the House of Commons and elsewhere in contravention of centuries of our primarily British-based traditions concerning such behaviour.

The younger generation has been systematically brain-washed to believe that any criticism of this is "racist", our pathetic and socialistic public school system is at fault here and our increasingly vulgar, "dumbed-down" and decadent society demonstrates this constantly.
Freedom in Canada, the illusion we cherish............ [/B]

Good post!

It's true that while the rights of immigrants to our country, are being broadened, the fifth generation Canadian's are being shrunken. It started with the Liberals (ie Trudeau), and has been a main part of thier agenda whenever in power. It's time to stop being so PC, and start speaking out!

07-26-2006, 10:11 AM
Don't clap your hands too soon guys. Ever wonder what's going to happen to the lists of rifle owners already in the hands of the RCMP and available to every cop in the country?
You think those records are going to be destroyed?

07-26-2006, 10:46 AM
kutenay..........I don't want to get into a p...ing contest with you but I really think you are mistaken with your statement that your gun rights are inherent as a Canadian. You don't even have property rights as a Canadian.
To my knowledge, and I will accept being wrong, nowhere in the BNA is there any mention of the right to have/own/possess a
firearm. In fact, was it not Sir John A. that sent the Northwest Mounted to disarm Louis Riel and the Metis? That was a very,very long time ago.
If you want, I can get into this very heavily with you but before you do, email me and ask me about my qualifications on the subject.

Cal Sibley
07-27-2006, 06:12 PM
A recent national poll shows the public still wants to keep the Gun Registry intact so I doubt we'll see any changes to it seeing as how Harper is operating with a minority government. It was a nice dream while it lasted. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

07-28-2006, 02:16 PM
I suspect you may be right about the majority of Canadians wanting the gun registry retained, but not because they are conversant in Bill C68 nor have any understanding of the issues related to gun control.
It all depends on how the question is worded to the participants which will affect the outcome/results of the survey.
As I stated before, I don't for a min. believe the records on file now will be destroyed but I just cannot fathom the justification for the expenses involved.

07-28-2006, 02:41 PM
i thought north dakota was the "one of the few" that used ambiguous wording on their ballots.

if you wanted a bill passsed they would word it so you actually had to vote no.

that practice has been stopped dead in it's tracks. at least lately anyway.

good luck on your quest.