View Full Version : Get a Load of This! PETA, Take That!

01-10-2006, 12:31 PM
Another blow for P.E.T.A. Saw this on another thread. I had trouble posting the picture, so here is the link to the site:


Let me know what you think.
Bulletpusher "BBRSSC #1"

01-10-2006, 02:00 PM
Hi All,

Not sure where it is but there was quite a bit of talk about bag an possession limits :confused: Here in the UK not only can we and do we use sound moderators for rabbiting but rabbits are vermin with no season on them alos no limits. Take all you want, keep all you want. I have a BSA Super Sport Five .22 rimfire with the barrel cut back to 16 1/2" and treaded for a moderator, fitted with a 4x32mm scope it performs real well with Winchester sub-sonics.:D