View Full Version : Couldn't hold out any longer

01-11-2006, 08:49 AM
I had a couple bucks I had been watching, but could never get a good shot (while passing up several does in the process), so last night I told myself that the first deer to come by would be good enough. Only a few more days to go...and I'm not going to get to hunt Saturday so I wasn't too picky last night.

Although, I did manage to shoot a pretty big doe (the picture doesn't show it though).

Adam Helmer
01-11-2006, 11:44 AM

Congradulations; nice looking deer. How about a few specifics such as caliber and load of that ML, distance to the deer at time of firing, etc.?

I will be out the next day or two with my .54 flinter Hawken.


01-11-2006, 02:44 PM
I'm shooting a .50 cal TC Renegade. I've shot 90 grains of FFF for years, but last year I swtiched over to 90 grains of 777. My bullet is a 240 Hornady XTP .44 mag in Sabot.

Yeah I know, not so traditional huh? Anyhow shot was about 80 yards and was perfect behind the shoulder, mid-body. Deer dropped in her tracks, tried to get up and that was all she wrote.

Last year I took one around 120 yards and it did the same thing. I think the old flintlock pushes those XTP's at just the right velocity to do some major damage. Just about every deer I shoot with this combo drop in their tracks.

Anyhow, more meet in the freezer :D

01-11-2006, 04:50 PM

Adam Helmer
01-12-2006, 03:35 PM

Many thanks for the "Rest of the Story" on getting your deer. Since you used a flintlock, I would deem that is Traditional enough to report in here. I have tried those sabots and .45 caliber XTP loads in my Hawken .54 flinter and was impressed with the results on the target range. I am still looking for a PA deer.


01-13-2006, 04:11 AM
Mornin petey
Ya done good,, My first 2 deer are for the freezer, When that's done I'll go for the rack, But meat comes first, Here in Kentuck we can take 4 deer a year and one CAN be a buck,,
This is my first deer with my T/C Hawken that I got last year, I like antler burgers,,,


01-13-2006, 06:46 AM
Thanks guys

This is one of my favorite seasons of the year and I always try to save a tag for it. Normally we all get together in a nice group of people and put on some drives. I had an opportunity at 7 doe in one bunch on the first day, but I was waiting for a better shot, and I waited too long. In reality, if I'd pulled the trigger my hunt would have been over then, but I just didn't like the shot so I didn't take it.

This deer, I shot hunting alone and knowing the route they took after watching them a few nights in a row. Sad part is there was a nice buck and even larger one (one was a small 14"- 8 point and the other MUCH larger) travelling through every other. It was coming down to the wire, so I decided I wouldn't hold out on either bucks and just shoot a doe if the opportunity presented iteself. Like clockwork, here they come...... and the rest of the story is now cut up in my freezer

I suppose I still have one day, but the odds of me making it out are pretty slim.

Gil Martin
01-14-2006, 07:01 PM
Nice looking deer and good shooting. All the best...