View Full Version : razor back broadheads

01-17-2006, 07:04 PM
any body shoot razor back broadheads (fixed blade cut on contact swivel BroadHead) with aluminum? carbon arrows?

May switch from Synpers.
My synpers shoot almost true to field points, but I'm not a fan of mechanicals and they have shown a rather small cutting length in the deer I have shot.

01-17-2006, 11:14 PM
I bought a pack of them. They seemed to shoot well enough, but never shot them at an animal.
I was under the impression that they could be taken a part, sharpened and the bleeder blade replaced. I contacted NAP and they informed me that the broadhead cannot be taken apart and sharpened.

gordon baxter
01-18-2006, 11:26 PM
shot them they seemed to shot good with carbon express at 28" and 75 lbs draw shot small 3 point mule and big 4 point in same day with same broad head and worked extremly good