View Full Version : The new Leupold VX-L is out

Skinny Shooter
01-19-2006, 09:05 AM
Got my shooting catalogue from Cabela's yesterday and the VX-L's are listed inside. They're not cheap. Leupold has more details on their website: http://www.leupold.com/products/products_highlights.asp
It is odd looking. ;)

01-19-2006, 11:12 AM
Would surely like to know what magic math is used in figuring and defining the Total Light Throughput??????

• Light Optimization Profile™ gives you the low-light performance advantages
of a large objective riflescope, without the high mount. The 50mm VX-L
mounts like a 36mm riflescope, yet delivers 48.6 percent more Total Light Throughput™ (TLT)! Likewise, the 56mm VX-L mounts like a 40mm riflescope,
and delivers 96 percent more Total Light Throughput. The lower mount
also gives your rifle better balance, and the quick accurate aiming that comes with a low-mount cheekweld.

That's pretty impressive increases of something????

01-19-2006, 02:42 PM
A 56 mm circle has 1.96 times the area of a 40 mm circle.