View Full Version : marlin 983

01-22-2006, 02:31 PM
recived new 22 mag.real nice gun .has nice feel and action to it.stock is wal nut and looks good.shot a few rounds today for the first time.shoot from 50 to 100 yards.useing gun and scop right out the boxs.hit targets with all shots.not deed center though.thought this was pretty good as to not doing any setings.one problem seen with gun.it is bolt action ,tube feed.the rounds would not fit in to the cut out on the tube.after makeing sure it was a 22 mag and not a 22 long rifel.i had to load it through the end the tube then insert rod.the cut out in the tube looks to be the size for a 22 long rifel.no way the mag round would fit in to it..nice gun for the price.wonder if all the 983's are made like this?my luck one of a kind.i'll fix it tommorw.