Adam Helmer
01-23-2006, 01:56 PM
The Traditional ML season just ended. I routinely take apart all 5 of my hunting MLs, both flint and caplock, and give them a detail cleaning. I take the guns apart, clean the bores, the locks, and put a few drops of pure boiled linseed oil inside and on the outside of the stocks. I store my MLs muzzle down to let the oil drain away from the breeches.
I emptied out my 3 possibles bags and will use the powder and projectiles for target shooting as soon as the next thaw arrives here in northcentral PA. I had a very good season, but never did see a legal deer and I hunted most days of the seasons. I guess that is why it is called hunting rather than shooting. And, yes, I polished the brass, again. I hope all fellow longhunters see to their smokepoles in preparation of the coming seasons.
I emptied out my 3 possibles bags and will use the powder and projectiles for target shooting as soon as the next thaw arrives here in northcentral PA. I had a very good season, but never did see a legal deer and I hunted most days of the seasons. I guess that is why it is called hunting rather than shooting. And, yes, I polished the brass, again. I hope all fellow longhunters see to their smokepoles in preparation of the coming seasons.