View Full Version : Wild Boar are Runnin'

01-28-2006, 06:33 AM
Got in the seat around 7:30 P.M. and got the Sport Cat heater fired up as it was 15F out with a sharp wind in the face. 9 P.M. I hear some boar and see one going along the edge of the brush/field, too quick for a shot, and I hear a group in the brush but never see them and they don't come out. 10 P.M. I hear the brush cracking, wait, here that single boar comes, this time out in the field. I had little time to dilly dally, rifle up, did get the red dot turned on (illuminated reticle, Swarovski, 3-12x50), boiler room, boom. Boar took off hitting on all cylinders hauling, at 70 meters away I watched him disappear in the brush. Thought he faltered though, and I knew I was on. 53 grains H4350 pushing a 180 gr Grand Slam out the spout did the job. At 11 P.M. I went down to the spot of shot. After seeing the spot, knew he'd be down, went and got reinforcements from my friend who was sitting 800 yards away ove the hill.

Very little blood on the point of shot -- following the trail is easy with snow, quite a bit harder without. Could tell every time he exhaled blew quite a bit of blood out, 6-8 feet between bounds. Went a good 100 yards or a bit more from the shot, all uphill, over two steep 6 foot rises (not cliffs, but not far off either). The wild boar are tenacious, I'm getting ready to work up loads for the 180 gr Swift A Frame -- nothing really wrong with Grand Slams, just hear a lot of good stuff on the A Frames, as well as the Barnes Triple X. Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Spot of Shot:

Where I found him:

Tight fit in an S10 Blazer:

Dressed out 140 lbs, snout to anus, hanging in the cool house:

01-28-2006, 09:06 PM
Very nice pig!!

01-30-2006, 12:50 PM
Very cool story and pics. Looks like you'll be eating good through that nasty winter you're having!:D

rick savage
01-31-2006, 09:05 AM
congrats, nice hog

02-11-2006, 02:16 AM
Nice hawgs