View Full Version : Sneaky Anti-Gun Groups!

Tall Shadow
01-29-2006, 04:02 AM
This subject has been brought up on several gun related board that I'm on, but I've not seen anything about it here.

There are some BIG TIME anti-gunners that are using seemingly "Pro-gun" websites to try to win over "Average Joe & Average Jane" type shooters & hunters.

They say they are trying to promote "Reasonable" gun laws, but with a little looking or digging, anyone can see what they are really trying to do.

Not surprisingly the people behind/in charge of these sites are the same names that you see behind the "Reasonable" laws in places like Massachusetts, California, and New York/New Jersey.

Here is part of the post that caught My attention:
I heard about this group many months ago but I just received a email today from them and figured if I got one them alot of other gunowners are getting their email as well.

They are a "Pro-gun" group that needs your $ to defend and protect the 2nd Ammendment.

Their webpage is www.huntersandshooters.com

Please pass the word around that they are anti-gun lobby group hidden under NRA sheep's wool.

Make sure you and your friends do not send money to huntersandshooters.com !

Please post this at ANY pro-gun websites that you frequent.I urge everyone to go and check out their website and look DEEP into their gun rights section. Whenever they mention the word "regulate" they actually mean BAN. They have changed their stance on a few things just to look more conservative.

A bunch of snakes, they are !


A little research on the site:
Hmmmm. A little research goes a long way.

First, I was not able to find any reference to the NRA, anywhere in their website. American Hunters and Shooter Association. (AHSA) even has their own gun safety steps when the steps developed by the NRA could be used instead.

Second, the AHSA Executive Vice President is John E. Rosenthal. Is this the same John Rosenthal that is the co-founder of Stop Handgun Violence? Makes you wonder if this may be the same Massachusetts real estate developer that helped push through all the draconian gun laws in Massachusetts.

Apparently, the “reasonable” gun laws that AHSA want to make national are the same gun laws now in place in Massachusetts.

And finally a little bit from the site itself: Under the Constitution and laws of the United States, gun ownership is a protected right. But this right when exercised, requires the utmost in responsibility and vigilance. No constitutional right to bear arms exists for criminals, terrorists, or others who seek to abuse the very freedoms our Constitution guarantees. The law is crystal clear on this point: reasonable laws designed to keep guns out of the wrong hands are entirely consistent with the Second Amendment.

AHSA legislative policy will always promote the common sense interests of hunters and shooters. AHSA also will always give top priority to the basic safety and security interests of our communities. In short, AHSA supports rational, deliberative firearms policy crafted to protect our sport and our communities. Moreover, AHSA strongly opposes legislative proposals that violate Second amendment rights by impeding access to firearms by law-abiding citizens. By faithful adherence to basic Second Amendment principles, while balancing the needs of our sport and the needs of our community, AHSA will promote rational and practical firearms policies that serve to bring Americans together.

They make the same mistake of equating citizens to "criminals". Criminals violate the law when they "try" to buy a gun, so let's get real and just identify them as they do this and incarcerate them for their efforts.

One last bit:
[quote]A press release at: www.kidsandguns.org/study/inthenews.asp?ID=93

Another supporter on hand for the announcement was John E. Rosenthal, chairman of the Newton-based Stop Handgun Violence and owner of a parking garage near Fenway Park where a billboard visible to motorists on the Massachusetts Turnpike reads, "It's easier to childproof your gun than bulletproof your child."

Rosenthal said that in a country where five children die every day in gun-related accidents and suicides committed with guns, a new "non-polarizing" approach to the gun issue is necessary.

The President of the AHSA Foundation's donation record:

Mr. John E Rosenthal
Meredith Management

Donated to: John Kerry $2,000

Need I say more?

Keep your head down and your powder dry my friends!

Tall Shadow