View Full Version : Woodruff

Mil Dot
01-30-2006, 09:35 AM
I was just curious if anyone else other than the ABC cameraman and this reporter were in the armored personel carrier that was bombed or were they just tossed the keys and told to just go get yourselves blown up? Haven't heard a thing about that.

A little sarcastic, yeah, I just get a little irritated when a volunteer, well paid, glory seeker gets hurt and the media covers every microbile detail of his entire life, life goals and justification of why he was doing what he was doing. How his being injured or killed is really a representation for everyone, military
(US, Iraqi),civilian ...etc. The way it's being spun, you have to wonder if some producer is praying that he's in a coma for the next 10 years so they can keep doing followup on his progress.

For myself, I'll tip a cold one to ours troops, freedom loving Iraqis and hope for his recovery for his families well being. His colleagues and employers can kiss my **tt. 'Friggin' Vultures!

Sorry about the rant, I just get a little tired of the media.