View Full Version : Liberal Double Standard

Skinny Shooter
02-01-2006, 10:24 AM
I've always maintained that the Prez has no privacy while he/she is in "our house".


When Clinton was playing hide the cigar with Monica in the Whitehouse, Republicans were told "whatever he does in private is private." So leave him alone.

Now we have Sheehan spouting off again:
Sheehan, wrapped in a bright pink scarf against the cold, protested outside the White House with a handful of others before heading to the Capitol Tuesday evening. There were no cameras around, but the small band faced the executive mansion and repeatedly shouted, "You're evicted! Get out of our house!"
She's a real piece of work.
Lest anyone think that she was unfairly singled out, go here:

Now to veer this thread off track, did anyone see her snuggling up to commie hugo chavez?
Jane Fonda, move over...
Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan, mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq, joined more than 10,000 anti-globalization activists in Caracas, where she hailed Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez.
She said Venezuela's foreign ministry sponsored her visit. She has clearly crossed the line.

Rocky Raab
02-01-2006, 01:38 PM
Skinny, she crossed that line LONG before her son was killed.

From what I've read, she was a whacko liberal head case (not necessarily a redundant phrase) even before her son enlisted. Perhaps the man did so in reaction to her off the wall beliefs.

It was only her son's death that catapulted her into the media's sight. Note that they've avoided her in large measure ever since they realized she was using them for her own agenda. When her spotlight got brighter than theirs (and of other whackos like Jesse Jackson) they abruptly exited stage left.

02-02-2006, 01:04 AM
Does anyone besides me feel that she is guilty of sedition?
Paul B.

02-03-2006, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by PJgunner
Does anyone besides me feel that she is guilty of sedition?
Paul B.

heck yes, but so what. look what happened 40 years ago. who done anything then? the same ones who won't do anything now.

cindy s#*tcan is able to get by with any she wants just like a few of her ilk. i don't even want to discuss this cause everytime i do i get upset and just get all out of sorts. grrrrrrrr!

i hope someone who is a bit more rational than i can carry this on. right now i can't.:mad:

02-09-2006, 07:31 PM
Do you ever listen to Neal Boortz?
His Cindy Sheehan comments are pure comedy.:D

Skinny Shooter
02-10-2006, 09:08 AM
drummer, once in awhile. I'm sure it's entertaining. :D