View Full Version : 45 for hogs
rick savage
02-02-2006, 06:57 PM
i use a 45 long colt in va.dragoon for hogs, 255grain. it has done a great job for up close and personnel. longest shot was 35 has very good stopping power
02-03-2006, 01:55 AM
47/70, maybe. everything else is "Chump Change". Been there, done that. Handguns are for the "Uneducated and Un-informed"
and I have the Tusk scars to prove it !!
02-03-2006, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by "yote"
47/70, maybe. everything else is "Chump Change". Been there, done that. Handguns are for the "Uneducated and Un-informed"
and I have the Tusk scars to prove it !!
hey that ain't fair. i resemble that remark.:eek:
rick savage
02-03-2006, 07:48 PM
yote. we hunt with dogs. 98% of hogs taken is with knife or tied.the 45 is for the ones that don;t understand. yes this is a rough sport but with our dogs it is a little safer.the 45 long colt is plenty of gun.
05-25-2006, 07:46 PM
In my experience, a hard cast LSWC of about 250 grains, loaded over a stiff charge of 2400, will go clean through a large pig, end to end. I love my .44 Mags, but the old .45 Colt Ruger SA will do just as fine a job.
05-26-2006, 07:42 AM
I've got a .45 Colt Marlin lever gun and Ruger handgun (wheel gun not a bottom feeder!).
The Marlin w/24" barrel will hold 14 rnds with one in the chamber of the 250grn rnfp Laser Cast loaded to a mild 1400 pfs give or take, or 13 rnds with one in the chamber of the Hornaday 300grn XTP Mag. loaded a little hotter (but not topped out), about 1700fps.
Those same loads in my Ruger Blackhawk w/4 5/8" barrel will slow down a little due to shorter barrel, but still get the job done.
The 300grnr's out of the 24"barrel Marlin loads are just under what the .45-70 in velocity and power. Thats ok, I can carry a whole lot more .45 Colt rounds than I can .45-70 Gov. rounds.
Either load will penetrate a good size hog from side to side or end to end.
If a hog can take 13 to 14 rounds from the rifle and 6 from the handgun and keep coming he can keep both guns, cause I'm going to be running or climbing a tree. He He He!
And if you're with me, you don't need to worry about outrunning the hog, just outrunning me.
Nuff said,
05-26-2006, 08:08 AM
I agree with the guys on this one. I use a Rossi Stainless saddle carbine old model (no safety) in 45 colt and a blackhawk in the same for hunting. Believe me when I tell ya that a hard cast 250 grain lead RNFP will go through them like crap through a goose. And I aint talking about super loads, just a little hotter than factory (Think 900-1000 fps outa the blackhawk). I wouldn't even blink an eye at a hog before pluggin him with one, and I wouldn't worry about not droppin him neither cause it ain't a problem.
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