View Full Version : Double sxs Black and Blue

02-11-2006, 01:25 AM
I have a double barrel with the double triggers that is causing my ring finger on my trigger hand to turn black and blue. When I reach for the front trigger my ring finger is against the trigger guard and takes a beating during recoil.

What do you think? is this a design issue or a fitting issue? It has no recoil pad and I have thought about adding one to see if it helps. The problem is most noticable when using heavy loads. When using the lighter loads earlier in the season I did not notice it, I picked up some hotter shell's and it has cause my finger to turn purple from first knuckle to the third. The easy choice is to not shoot heavy loads, opinions?

02-11-2006, 08:57 AM
This is a problem that 2 trigger guns have always had. They used to make a rubber bumper type of thing to put on the trigger guard. Heck I have a single trigger Beretta SxS that does the same thing to me...When I shoot it...which is now just about never. Thing really kicks:rolleyes: Guess I'm a wimp

02-22-2006, 11:49 PM
Skeet I switched from the 3 3/4 drams To the 3 1/4 also tapped a cotton ball to the back of the trigger guard. I went back out today pheasant hunting with no ill effects. Looks like the lighter loads are the ticket with this scattergun.

02-23-2006, 10:49 AM
I was thinking of a small piece of neoprene glued to the guard.

Gil Martin
02-23-2006, 05:47 PM
When I encountered the same problem with a dual trigger shotgun, I corrected it by trading the gun on a single trigger shotgun. That corrected the problem. All the best...

02-24-2006, 06:53 AM
All my SxSs have DTs. It is a stock fitting problem if the guard is hitting your fringers. I shoot SxSs with English grips, Ptince of Wales and pistol grips. When shooting heavy waterfowl loads in an English straight grip 12 I will occassionly get a sore finger. Can't complain though, because it has to be a good day with lotsa of shooting and if I were a better shot wouldn't have to shoot that much.