View Full Version : I need help folks!

02-11-2006, 05:57 PM
Could you wonderful folks give me a hand tryin to figure out any info on this shotgun? Buddy got a Zoli & FW Rizzini 28 ga. double. He got it fer $100.00 (that's right..one hundred)..the lucky rascal.
Anyways.. I been tryin to help him figure out how much it's worth...caint find alot of info on it..I seen a few online..but none of those are anywhere close to what he has.
So here's all the info I can gather...it also says Magno VT Italy Finito PSI on it..and it has the number "2321" stamped in it. None of these numbers are on the barrel, they are stamped in the receiver.
The lil gun is sweeter than a speckled pup runnin in a field of daisys..aint got a scratch on it..and all I know it that he bought it from a fella who did some handyman work on this elderly lady's house. She gave it to him as payment of the work he done. It was her husband's who has been not of this here world fer a right good while...and I spect it's got a lil age on it.
Of all the Rizzini guns I saw..aint nary a one had a "FW" on it..nor a PSI..whatever them mean.
Anyways..could ya'll be so kind as to help us out on findin out what that sweet lil gun is all bout? Shoot...I wouldnt be ashamed to beat him up and take it from him LOL ;)

02-11-2006, 07:10 PM
I think that you do need help!! A thread started by Lilred that doesn't start with "Rant".

Sorry I can't be of any help with the gun. I have enough trouble trying to pronounce it

BTW-----Lilred your favorite CO in Michigan just retired the end of January.

02-11-2006, 11:00 PM
Hey Lilred..post a picture if you can. Might be able to tell ya a little on it....but for now. Rizzini is a maker of mid to higher grade doubles and I think O/U guns now. They used to be entry level makers a few years ago. but have come up in the world. But the gun is a 28 and that is a plus for it. Friend had a nicely (?) engraved 20 ga Rizzini quite a few years ago. It was a nice gun but nothing really special. Glitzy and glittery so lots of folks would like it...but the workmanship wasn't up to high standards. They also used to make a few nice grades of guns but few and far between here in the US.