View Full Version : 17 Mach ll

02-14-2006, 02:51 AM
I found that savage had one in a left hand so its on the way! Any adivse etc ammo to use or to advoid ? or are there options? I thought it might be fun to punch paper at the range and maybe some ground squirels in the summer.

Ridge Runner
02-14-2006, 02:26 PM
I just bought a LH savage at x-mas. So far I've tried hornady, cci and ely ammo in it. The cci does about the best, but it all shoots well.
Be prepared to have a smith do some trigger work or go to savage shooters.com and get a new trigger for it.
I put a V4x16 weaver with target dot on mine and the first group after sight in was .213 at 50 yds. A squirrels eye at 50 yds isn't a problem

02-22-2006, 06:38 PM
hows it shoot in the 70-100yd range. that seemed to be the range wwhere i shot alot of squrels with my 17hmr. if the 17lr shoots good at 100yds and is only printing a hair over point of aim at 50 then it would be just as fun and more ecenomical to shoot than the hummer.

im going to either buy 22mag. to complement my 17hummer barrel and have switch barrel rig in 77.m action. but im getting the urge to rebarrl the 10/22 with 17hm2 tube.

cant decide.

the hm2 shoots at 2000 or so and the 22mag is at 2200. itl all depend on wich is cheaper

as of right now im going to get a 22mag so i have the option of hummer or 22m.

thats why im asking how the 17lr does out past 50yds. it wouldnt be worth it to me as 50yd plinker because my 10/22 will kill em alittle farther than that and shoots little 10rd groups at 50yds.

it seems to me to be a toss up either way.



02-22-2006, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Ridge Runner
I just bought a LH savage at x-mas. So far I've tried hornady, cci and ely ammo in it. The cci does about the best, but it all shoots well.
Be prepared to have a smith do some trigger work or go to savage shooters.com and get a new trigger for it.
I put a V4x16 weaver with target dot on mine and the first group after sight in was .213 at 50 yds. A squirrels eye at 50 yds isn't a problem

Hey Ridge thanks for the advice I will have the trigger worked during my waiting period and stock up on the cci's.

Have you shoot anything larger than a squirel? Rabbit maybe?

Rocky Raab
02-23-2006, 08:18 AM
Evan, you cannot rebarrel a Ruger 10/22 to 17 HM2. It is fine to rebarrel a FIXED breech gun, but not a semi-auto of any kind.

The pressure and recoil spike is much, much higher with either of the little 17 rimfires. It requires a new, very massive bolt and extra strength springs in addition to the barrel.

02-23-2006, 06:38 PM

youd definatly want bolt buffer and possibly a heaver arm on the bolt.

its debatable wether or not the 10/22lr action is capable.

but it sure isnt impossible.

Rocky Raab
02-23-2006, 08:02 PM
Possible, yes. But it isn't a simple rebarrel job, which is what I was trying to convey.

Ridge Runner
02-25-2006, 06:17 AM
TKO, no I haven't shot anything bigger than squirrels, the guys I hang out with some who have had theirs longer have used then on groundhogs and feral cats.
Seems after the game gets above around the 8 pound mark, it becomes harder to kill with the 17mII. adult groundhogs almost always get back to the hole unless head shot.

Andy L
08-27-2006, 12:10 AM
Its more than possible to turn a 10/22 into a 17m2. Not only that, but they are good shooters, very good. Probably better than original. And, as you can see on this website, you can do it on the cheap or really trick it out.


Gil Martin
08-28-2006, 06:26 PM
My favorite gun shop has .17 caliber rifles by Savage and Marlin on sale and I set a .17 Mach II Marlin back until payday. Seems sales are dismal and much worse than flat. The shop cannot move these rifles and is taking a loss to get rid of them. I sure hope the .17 Mach II does not go the route of the 5mm Remington. I may have to pass on this rifle. All the best...

Ridge Runner
08-30-2006, 02:13 PM
think you'll be fine there, these lil rifles are being built by marlin, savage, cooper, TC, ruger, kimber, and remington. And you can get the parts to safely convert ruger 10/22 from a couple different places, ya just add weight to the bolt to slow it down and control bolt thrust.

Andy L
08-30-2006, 02:25 PM
I have the new Marlin Semi Auto, 717, on order. Cant wait. Should be a squirrel machine. Not to mention paper punching.....