View Full Version : 54??

02-14-2006, 08:15 AM
Mornin boys,, I'm thinkin bout gettin me a 54 cal barrel from http://www.trackofthewolf.com/categories/tableList.aspx?catID=14&subID=142&styleID=491
# GMT-54-CTC-B
that will fit in my 50 cal T/C Hawken stock, Looks like it will take a 530 ball, Any one here have one from them?? Do you like it??
It there much difference in a 1x70 twist compared to a 1x66??

02-14-2006, 10:14 AM
Can't say about that T/C barrel. Oughta be good to go though. You'll have a 50gr. heavier roundball with the .54 to send out there. Might even try some conicals and see what they shoot like. I've been casting .527 roundballs, .530 roundballs and the 420gr. Minie' in that particular caliber lately. Could send a handful of each your way to see what it likes.

02-14-2006, 10:30 AM
Mornin quigleysharps4570
I've been wonderin bout what to use, Been thinkin bout 530 0r 535, I want to stick with round balls, Guess I'll just have to sea what the barrel likes,, ya know how that is,, I got 015 and 018 patches to try, I'm kinda lookin forward to tryin em, New toy ya know,,,

02-14-2006, 03:10 PM
[Afternoon quigleysharps4570

Help a dummy out here if you would,, What is the difference with usin the .527 you were talkin bout and the .530 and .535's ?? I thought I could only use .530 and .535's, Now I am hearin bout .520, .526. .527's, With my 50 cal I thought I could only use the .490 and the .495's, I'm gonna order the 54 on the 1st, So I better find out what I have to get to shoot with it, I've always been one tree shy of a hammock, (lil slow)

Adam Helmer
02-14-2006, 03:15 PM

I have a Hawken .54 flint and a .54 caplock Renegade. I like the .54 and shoot ball, conicals and Minies out of them. For ball, I use a .530. You indicated you have various patches, so go to the bench and work out the best load for your rifle. My accuracy load with ball is 80 grains of 2F Goex in the caplock and 75 grains of 3F in the flinter. Good shooting!


02-14-2006, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Adam Helmer

I have a Hawken .54 flint and a .54 caplock Renegade. I like the .54 and shoot ball, conicals and Minies out of them. For ball, I use a .530. You indicated you have various patches, so go to the bench and work out the best load for your rifle. My accuracy load with ball is 80 grains of 2F Goex in the caplock and 75 grains of 3F in the flinter. Good shooting!


Afternoon Adam Helmer
80 grains huh, That would be a good huntin load don't ya think???

""Good shooting!""

Thank ya,,,,,,

Mr. 16 gauge
02-15-2006, 04:59 PM
I don't have that particular barrel, but I do have a .54 CVA Hawken; I load it with PRB and 90 grains FFg, using a .530 ball that I cast myself and a .010 patch.
As far as diamter of ball and thickness of patch, a lot of that will be determined by your rifles groove thickness and diameter. As for one turn in 70" vs one in 66, I really don't think that there will be much of a difference......I'm willing to be they will both be good ball shooters.

Adam Helmer
02-15-2006, 05:30 PM

Yes, that load of 80 grains of 2F Goex behind a patched .530 ball will be a great hunting load. Mr. 16 GA's 90 grain load is hotter, but may not be your accuracy load. I go for accuracy and "slap down" with the edge to accuracy. Go work out your hunting load. Good shooting, my friend.


Gil Martin
02-15-2006, 06:29 PM
In my various .54 flintlocks I prefer 90 grains of FFG and a patched roundball. Sometimes I adjust the powder charge, but I like the sound of 90 grains. Everyone on the firing line stops shooting to see what just went off. Adam likes 75 grains of FFFG.

The local blackpowder gun shop owner swears by 60 grains of FFG or FFFG in .45, .50 and .54 caliber muzzleloaders. So it depends on what you prefer and shoots well in your rifle. All the best...

02-15-2006, 06:35 PM
Thanks Guys, My 54 will be here tuesday, maybe saturday,, Then the fun begins,,,,

02-21-2006, 05:12 AM
K boys, The barrel came, It dropped right in, All the hardware fit on, optic sights, front and rear, Ram rod holder's (My brass ones) It's 1 3/8 inch longer then the T/C 1 in 66 twist barrel I got from T/C, I like it, Got a neat sight adjusting tool with it also,
NOW*** It is bout 1/2 to 3/4 pound lighter then the T/C and said the max grains is 110, Same as the T/C,, I'm hopin that 75 to 90 will do it for the POI,, That's a huntin load to me, It did not fit **real** tight into the tang like the T/C does, And it's a new tang, (bout 200 rounds with it) It is tight with the pin in, I'm not sure bout that part but will find out when I go shootin, I might go tomorrow, I'll just wait till bout 10 o'clock so the neighbors are up, Sound travels thru these hollers,, I'm gonna try the .530,, I got them,,,

02-21-2006, 05:17 AM
[QUOTE][i] quigleysharps4570 I've been casting .527 roundballs, .

Mornin quigleysharps4570
After readin your post bout the .527 balls, I have been checkin out bout them, What can I do to get a few from you?? 6 or 12 of em should do it,,,

02-21-2006, 06:11 AM
Well boys, I had a problem with the ram rod that came with the new barrel, I ran a patch down to clean the barrel up for today's shootin, When I tried to pull it out, the darn tip came off the rod, It was at the bottom of the barrel, It is to early to pull the nipple and drop some powder down it and fire it out and I'm not good at sittin round doin nothin (My Lady laughs at me some times for that, I guess that's what I get for havin a younger lady,, I like younger woman, I am 58 y/o now, so the younger ones are fun ya know,, I will be 59 in the start of july,, She don't turn 52 till the end of july)
Any way,,,, so I put some super glue in the ram rod and pushed it back in the barrel till I felt it seat on the tip, (3 times) I got it out,, Then I cleaned up the ram rod with alcohol, sanded down the glue then polished it, It cleaned up real nice,, Then I waited till the sun just started to come up and the wind was not blowin to hard and walked out to the trash can, open the lid and inserted the ram rod in, Then I closed the lid and walked away, I think it all came out 0k ,,,

02-21-2006, 08:19 PM
That's a fine looking Lady you have there Hobbles! Hobbles if you'll PM me your address I'll fix you right up with a batch of those .527 roundballs. Will be looking forward to hearing how that thing shoots.

02-22-2006, 05:27 AM
Mornin quigleysharps4570

I like my new barrel, The darn thing wants to hit the target, I have had a few hit the same hole as the one before, This barrel is so nice the patches down range are layin on top of each other, (Now that's a nice barrel), I have found that it likes 85 grains and a loose load, It don't like tight or 90 grains, nor 80,, I am usin .015 patches but want to try .010, That I can't use with my T/C, Anything over 60 grains and under .018 and they smoke, I'm not sure .010 will work with this one, So , I will try a smaller ball, and in doin so, it looks like I might have to make my own as anything other then .520 .530 and .535 are not to be found round here, My lady had a good idea, She said I should ask you what you use to make your own, (your setup) That way I can buy the RIGHT STUFF the first time, That would be a first,,,,, I want to try your size and the .010 before I do anything,, I'll pm you my addy and you should send me yours so I can send you some $$ for shippin and the like,, Thanks,,,, This barrel likes the old sayin

Less powder, more lead, shoots far, kills dead.

More powder, less lead, kicks hard, wide spread.

02-22-2006, 06:34 AM
What my new GM barrel can do,, I still need pratice, This is from a bench with elbow only on it,,


02-22-2006, 06:54 AM
Glad to hear that thing is shooting good. Nope...it's on me...you don't owe me nothing. Far as getting started. Years past I cast many of them with a regular ole kitchen pot to melt the lead in on top of a Coleman stove. Used an old soup ladle to pour. Judged the temp by the color of the melt on top. Got me by. Got to casting other bullets so had to invest in more gear...a thermostat, electric pots and what have you. Used a little Lee bottom pour pot for several years. Works fine and dandy for those roundballs. Those pots have a tendency to drip though and you'll need something under it. Eventually went back to ladle casting. Use a Waage pot these days...holds 25lbs. of lead and keeps her up to temp. Here's a link to where I buy my blackpowder and percussion caps...they also carry the Lee moulds and that little Lee 10lb. electric bottom pour pot and other casting supplies. www.grafs.com

02-22-2006, 07:07 AM
Thank you,,,,,

02-22-2006, 04:43 PM
I've a CVA hawken with both .50 and .54 barrels.
the 1-70 i _think_ is a true roundball twist, conicals needs a little more twist to stabilise, or thats what i have been told.

My .50 bbl likes 85grains of ffg pyrodex tight load, but my .54 likes 90grains ffg pyrodex loose loaded.

YMMV, just see what she likes and go with it, from the looks of that pic, i think you found what she likes :)

02-23-2006, 05:01 AM
Mornin gumpokc
Your likes a loose load also huh? that's interestin,, I guess mine like that old sayin

Less powder, more lead, shoots far, kills dead.

More powder, less lead, kicks hard, wide spread.

Just goes to prove that every barrel is different,,

02-23-2006, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by hobbles
Mornin gumpokc
Your likes a loose load also huh? that's interestin,, I guess mine like that old sayin

Less powder, more lead, shoots far, kills dead.

More powder, less lead, kicks hard, wide spread.

Just goes to prove that every barrel is different,,

well the .54 does, but the .50 likes it tight packed, or at least tighter. Usually three fair tamps.

The .54 likes it poured in, ball/patch psuhed down and as soon as you feel it stop, leave it be.

took me weeks to figure it out, then another guy there at the range told me to try it just seated on top of the powder, and it shot great!

wasen't real bad beforehand i guess, i mean 50 yards iron sights 3-5 inch group, no particular direction.

using the "loose load, 50 yards iron sight, as long as i have a good rest and use the set trigger, i can punch them close enough togeather to have multiple shots in one ragged hole.

at 100, usually 1-3 inch groups, 150 2-5 inch, might be better if i stuck a scope on, mainly just to see better.

02-24-2006, 04:55 AM
Mornin gumpokc
I know what ya mean by seeing better,, At 58 my eyes just ain't what they used to be, I found out that if I use 125 store bought readin glasses ( I use 250 for readin, and that's pushin it lately ) and optic sights I do pretty darn good, I did find a bigger front sight with 3 different sizes and two different colors that can be put on, The bigger front sight fills the V on the back and I can line my weapon up straight. I will try the looser ball set (yep,, I know,,, make sure it set ON the powder or the barrel will bulge) One thing that just amazes me with this new barrel is,,, With my new T/C 1 in 66, I aim at the bottom of the 2" circle at 50 yards and it will hit the center or top of the circle (some times, when I'm lucky) With the GM barrel, I aim at the bottom of the circle, and it hit's the bottom of it, And the holes are close, and I do it over and over, Now I want clover leaves, ( A QUEST) And I bet I will do it with this new barrel, I am so darn close now, Just some final tuning,,, I only shoot at 50 yard targets, I have dropped deer at 120 yards and at 20 feet,
My 20 feet antler burgers,,,

02-24-2006, 06:38 AM
Nice pic Hobbles.

02-24-2006, 06:49 AM

Mornin my friend, Thanks, that is a nice picture, That was some good meat that deer had,,

02-24-2006, 02:16 PM
I just double checked my info, and the 1-66 is what i have, i use only patched hornady roundballs in it.

what projectiles are you using hobbles?

now I just need to double check my lousy typing!

02-24-2006, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by gumpokc
I just doulbe checked by info, an dthe 1-66 is what i have, i use only patched hornady roundballs in it.

what projectiles are you using hobbles?

I am not sure what I will end up usin as of yet,, I got some 527 balls commin and also some .010 patches to try with the .530 balls, I shot the .015 and the .018 patches with the 530 balls,, so far the.015 are the best with 85 grains with this GM barrel, I have a new 1 in 66 from T/C and it was'nt doin it,

02-28-2006, 02:16 PM
Well boys,, The numbers don't ad up, but,, My weapon likes .015 patches, not .010 or .018, It likes 85 grains of ffg RS, not 80 or 90. I can use either .527 or .0530 balls and it don't care which, Then I found out that I can shoot 45 rounds in 3 hours and it gets tired and don't shoot as good any more, Darn weapon, This is 50 yards (normal) shootin at a 2" circle,,


I know,, practice, But my weapon is gettin better,,

02-28-2006, 06:22 PM
You're getting there. Might try some different powder and patch lube. How'd those .527's load for you?

02-28-2006, 07:30 PM
Evenin quigleysharps4570
They load nice,
I have been thinkin bout tryin some ffg select just to sea what the diff, is,,

02-28-2006, 07:37 PM
I've been thinkin,, Ya know, at 50 yards my front sight covers the 2" circle, That's why I shoot with the 6 o'clock position,, The 2" looks as big as round as a cigarette, So I thought I would do this to sea how bad it looks, (hay, My eyes goin on 59 y/o, humor me)

I'll get better..

02-28-2006, 08:58 PM
Have access to Goex? Might try it if you can. Swiss is good too...pricey though. I save it just for hunting anymore. Graf is also good. Another thing you might try is a felt wad over the powder and then patched ball. You can pick them up at http://www.possibleshop.com/wads.htm

03-01-2006, 06:16 AM

Mornin quigleysharps4570
So, you deal with Don too, huh, I like him, he's a good man, very helpfull, I got a ways to go yet with my weapon, I hit my 6"x6" gong target the otherday 9 out of 10 try's, That will get me deer, But I do want better on paper,,

03-01-2006, 06:42 PM
Haven't ordered anything from them in quite some time. Needing some of those .54 wads myself. Have a plenty of .45 and .50's. Hitting that 6x6 gong is sure enough a deer getter.

03-22-2006, 08:28 AM
Mornin quigleysharps4570

I got a question for ya, I've been lookin at the balls you sent me and am really impressed with how they are made, What brand of mold did you use? I am still tryin to find some 520 balls to try before I buy anything, But after lookin at and firin the ones you made/sent, I think I want to make my own too!! Any other advice would be appreciated,, and thanks again,,,,

03-22-2006, 07:31 PM
Those are from a Lee mould my friend. I've no complaints with their roundball moulds. Cuts that sprue real close. Glad to hear you like them. Whatcha got in mind for a melting pot and such?

03-23-2006, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by quigleysharps4570
Those are from a Lee mould my friend. I've no complaints with their roundball moulds. Cuts that sprue real close. Glad to hear you like them. Whatcha got in mind for a melting pot and such?

Mornin sharps,
I was wonderin bout that spur, It is cut nice,,, I have a 45 cal mold from Lee that I ain't never used, still in the box,, As for the meltin pot,, I was goin to ask that next,, What do you suggest?? On this, I could used all your knowledge,,,

03-23-2006, 06:19 AM
Your easiest bet would be the little Lee bottom pour pot. I think it's around $50 these days. Does has it's drawbacks. They have a tendancy to drip, so you'll need to keep something under it while you're casting. The booklet that comes with it will tell you what to do about the drip and anything else though. When I use to use mine I'd turn it on and go about my business for about an hour, come back and I'd be ready to cast. I ran mine on the highest setting when I was casting pure lead and it turned out good roundballs. More models out there but depends on what you want to spend. Myself...I went back to ladle pouring and use the Waage pot. Holds 25lbs. of lead and stays right on the temp. If it were me though and I was gonna just cast roundballs...I'd check out the Lee.

03-23-2006, 06:47 AM

I don't understand yet, what the diff is between a pour pot and ladle, I do know that when I try to save $$ I always lose,
I can save $20 by buyin something and later find out I need/wanted the other one, That's why I am askin so many questions, I want to get the right stuff the first time, I'm tired of it costin me $20 to save $2,,,, I will go with the Lee mold, If that's what you used to make the balls you sent, then I AM gettin that brand,,,
If you have time,, tell me bout the Waage pot.

03-23-2006, 06:25 PM
There's nothing wrong with the little Lee bottom pour. Cast many, many bullets with it. I went back to ladle pouring and the Waage because of the 500+gr. bullets I'm casting and the 25lb. pot will let me cast considerably more bullets without any down time. One particular mould I have...couldn't get good bullets from the bottom pour or at temps under 870 degrees. Anyway...the difference in the two, ladle vs. bottom pour. Your bottom pour has a spout on the bottom of the pot...hold your mould under it...raise the handle and the molten lead pours into your mould. The dross that forms on top of the pot isn't alot of concern because your clean is coming out the bottom. Now with a pot for ladle pouring that dross and any impurites on top has to be swept aside and dipped out cause you sure don't want it in your ladle when you pour a bullet. Won't let you cast consistantly...weight wise and such. Don't know if that helped any or not. Sure wish some of these other fella's would jump in here and tell you what they use and such... :) I'm not very good at explaining things. Some probably can tell you about other pots that they may recommend too.

03-24-2006, 05:54 AM
Mornin sharps
0k, then I will get the Lee bottom pour, I think I will also get the double mold from Lee, Thanks for the info Rick, that will get me started,, JW,,,

03-24-2006, 07:14 AM
Sharps,, One more question and I will leave ya alone,,,, for a while,,
Which 110 do I want??

03-24-2006, 10:56 PM
The Lee Production Pot IV is the one I used. I see the price is quite a bit higher these days though.