02-16-2006, 10:38 AM
Two old Gentleman were at a country store, sitting around a pot belly wood/coal stove talking. Each had been known to tell some "Good Ones". The first one said he had been picking huckleberries on the "Plains " on Dolly Sods, when a big black bear started chasing him, he said he ran and ran, the bear getting closer, he ran down one mountain, up another, around the mountain and back again, he said the bear almost got him but when he was crossing the Black Water river, the bear broke through the ice, slipped under and drown. The other old guy said " I got you, thats the biggest @*$%^ lie I ever heard, picking huckleberries and then ice on the Blackwater River! The story teller, never cracked a smile, spit some tobacco juice into the ash bucket and said " that #%@* bear chased me clear up into January!"
The other old guy said he was out squirrel hunting and he sit down on a log to eat his lunch, he had an apple, and he took out his knife and started to peel it when he started smelling snake, he jabbed his knife down into the log he was sitting on to get up and look for the snake, not finding any he came back, but the" log" was gone, he looked down the hill and saw his pocket knife going back aforth through the brush
The other old guy said he was out squirrel hunting and he sit down on a log to eat his lunch, he had an apple, and he took out his knife and started to peel it when he started smelling snake, he jabbed his knife down into the log he was sitting on to get up and look for the snake, not finding any he came back, but the" log" was gone, he looked down the hill and saw his pocket knife going back aforth through the brush