View Full Version : FOTPCA Oklahoma Spring Meeting Poster Contest

02-18-2006, 08:54 AM
You do not have to be a member of FOTPCA, nor a resident of Oklahoma to participate. You must simply show up at the April meeting with poster and report card in hand.

Kids, a poster competition will be held at the Spring First Oklahoma Trappers & Predator Callers Association meeting, on April 29, 2006. The competition will be for two age brackets, 6 to 10 years and 11 to 15 years. The 6 - 10 age bracket will give a poster presentation on the topic: "Why I want to trap", and the 11-15 age bracket will give a poster presentation on the topic: "What trapping means to me". The only stipulation that OKTrap Supply & ADC has is that you bring with you, your last report card to be used as the entry fee. You must be passing in all subjects to participate in the competition which is sponsored by OKTrap Supply & ADC. Forgetting your report card will disqualify you from participation. No exceptions will be made for this stipulation.
Thank you & Good Luck. OKTrap Supply & ADC Administration.

Two age brackets: 6 - 10 and 11 - 15 years.
6 - 10 topic: "Why I want to trap."
11 - 15 topic: "What trapping means to me."
Oral poster presentation on 1 sheet of normal full sized white poster board
Magazine pictures are allowed on the poster board for the presentation
Parental guidance is suggested and encouraged, but all work and writings must be performed by the participant.
Report Cards from the most current reporting period with all subjects passed are required for entry. This entry is an honor system entry fee. Entering the competition with an invalid or altered report card is a disqualifying action.

This cage trap will be the grand prize given for the the best presentation in both age brackets of the competition. It is a Havaheart live cage trap measuring 42" X 15" X 15" with a single door and double handles. Good luck to all participants.

OKTrap Supply (http://oktrapsupply.com/index.html)

FOTPCA OKlahoma Site (http://www.oktrapper.com/index.html)

rick savage
02-18-2006, 06:54 PM
good posts, i will back however we can!!!!!!!!!!!!keep them in the woods

02-18-2006, 07:24 PM
Thank you very much for your support Rick. About the only thing I can think of at this moment that we are in need of, are but two things:

1. Words of wisdom brought to the association meeting.
2. Unbiased Judges for the event.

I am trying to get the Oklahoma Game Wardens involved as judges of the contest, but I have not yet heard back from the department as of yet.

If you can think of anything we have not yet covered or taken care of, feel free to email me with the suggestion so that I may implement it to make the contest a better one. If you have anything you wish to donate that can be used as another award or complimentary gift, promotional or not, feel free to contact me with that information also. If you do choose to donate or send something, I assure you, that it will be presented to the recipiant in your name and honor.

Thank you:

rick savage
02-20-2006, 09:36 PM
i do have a list of all the game wardens in southern ok, if that would help. e-mail me at kurrdogs@yahoo.com or call 580-916-8804 we will see what we can do..... keep em in the woods

02-20-2006, 09:50 PM
Thank you Rick, but I got a few #'s of the local wardens here. I think we are also going to utilize Miss Oklahoma and Miss Teen Oklahoma for judging as well. They will be getting their fur coats from us during the event.

03-20-2006, 11:21 PM
Whoo Hoo!!! Just found out that we will be having the Okmulgee, OK 4-H Kids participating in the poster contest. Also, some of the kids from the surrounding states. Sounds like this is quickly growing to be a Regional Youth NTA Meeting ... all for the kids.

Thank you all for suporting us, without your support, we could not sponsor the kids.

Thank you:

04-06-2006, 06:37 PM
Due to time constraints, this will not be an Oral Presentation Contest.

04-16-2006, 01:31 AM
The deadline for entries is set for 10:00 AM. With the meeting starting at 8:00 AM, this allows for a 2 hour entry slot for "late-comers". Thank you.

04-29-2006, 07:05 PM
We had a very successful association meeting ... but more to the point of this original topic.

Three kids are unfortunately all we had that entered, be it because of rain or grades. But hopefully more next time will participate.

We were able to make three kids very proud today, when we awarded them their prizes of new Duke traps, Duke stretchers, the Havaheart Cage Trap and Dobbins books. Parents, Mrs. Oklahoma, Mrs. Oklahoma Teen, and some congressional reps were equally proud ... as they were also in attendance.

So what it boils down to ... is three young fellers were awarded prizes that will retail close to $500 in total cost. Just for having good grades ... and good grades they had ... each was an AB student.

Now I hope that more kids will participate in the next contest we sponsor, and remember all we ask for is a passing report card ... they do not have to be on the AB honor roll.

I will post more on this when we get the pictures developed. The participants posters will aslo be on display at one of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Regional Offices (TBD).

Now I will leave with this last statement until I have further to post.

It is better to have tried and failed, than to have never tried at all.

Thanks to everyone for their support.

05-03-2006, 05:26 AM
here are some pics.....
Kurt Price.....2nd place 6-10 yr old

Matthew Price....1st place 11-15 and Overall winner...not pictured, He was unable to come to the meeting because of a school band trip.

I do not have pictures of Dakota Clawson's Poster, seen on the left, who won first place in the 6-10 yr old age group.