View Full Version : Ultrasonic Brass Cleaner

02-18-2006, 03:52 PM
I lucked into a small ultrasonic cleaner for $5, and have been testing it on brass.

The recipe I've been using is hot water, and a squirt of Birchwood and Casey cleaner. I give the brass two 3-minute cycles, and in 6 minutes, I have clean brass.

These are 9x18 Makarov, which tends to be pretty sooty, since it is a relatively low pressure round. It pretty much removes even the soot from the inside of the case.

Here is a before and after picture.

Ol` Joe
02-18-2006, 04:54 PM
Uhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm, where ya find a $5 ultra sonic unit?

How many cases can it handle? I`m happy at the moment with my tumbler but ya never know. 6 minutes vs 1 hour catches my attention.

02-18-2006, 05:35 PM
It's a small unit... does about 75 small pistol cases at a time.

Habor Freight has them on sale from time to time.

There is a closeout goods store in our area that had the unit I got. They also had an RCBS 8x57 die set for $6... had to pass on that because I already had one. Did pick up a couple of Hi8 tapes for $3 each.