View Full Version : Skeet shooters. Line up and be counted.

02-19-2006, 03:42 AM
One of our neighbors is asking permission from the P&Z board to install a Skeet range near out house.

I have to admit ignorance here never having shot skeet so I need some answers. Soooo

1 How many Skeet shooters do we have on board?

2 What is your favorite shotgun?

3 How many rounds do you generally shoot in any given visit?

02-19-2006, 08:55 AM
I got your e-mail bud and I just closed the poll. I hope that is what you were looking for if not let me know and we will try something different. I am also going to see if I can't place this thread in the games forum to get you some more replies.

12GA guy
02-23-2006, 12:03 AM
Why was the poll closed? I'm curious myself..

While trap shooting has always been my main game, I tried skeet for the first time a few weekends ago, as some skeet guys were looking to fill a squad. I quite enjoyed it, and found it challenging enough to make it interesting. I don't know if I shot it regularly if the challenge might fade, as the targets are pretty predictable. Once you got the lead, and chokes figured, it should be fairly simple..;) (That ought to stir the pot a bit:D )

Anyways, I think that some ballistic clothing might be in order, as I was nailed in the leg by a piece of shot that had either exited via the ported barrel of one of my fellow shooters, or ricocheted off the target. It embedded itself in my leg, but I was able to pick it out as my blue jeans had slowed the velocity. (Thanks Levi :p ) I still can't believe some guys don't wear eye protection..:rolleyes: I guess they like to live dangerously.

So between the shot in the leg, and the broken target pieces raining down on me, I found the whole skeet shooting thing quite exciting for my first time....:D Darn rights I'll try it again!

04-23-2006, 12:37 PM
The poll was closed at my request.
I didn't ask the right questions and all I really wanted to know is how many rounds are usually shot.