View Full Version : Wanting to take part in this great hobby in pennsylvania

02-20-2006, 09:00 PM
Hey there guys. I am a 20 year old that lives in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. (Here we go steelers), and am interested in trapping. I would like to know where in pennsylvania i could start at since i live in the city. Does anyone know about some land in pa thats open to trapping. I seen that i should start with 1.5 coil spring traps. I really want coyote for a mount, but want all animals for possible sale of pelts. I would appreciate anyones help. I called the game commission to see if they could tell me the names of some farmers that are having coyote problems but they said they cant give out that information. How do i abtain this info. Thanks everyone, great forum.

02-21-2006, 08:52 AM
It's good to see that your interested in trapping.

First I would advise you to go to the Pennsylvania Department Game Commission web site to check out your states trapping laws.

Second I would advise you to join your state trappers association at patrappers.com. I'm sure they would happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Third I would barrow, rent, or buy a copy of Fox & Coyote Trapping Vol 1 With Tom Miranda.

Fourth, you need a book showing animal tracks and sign.

As far as finding a place to trap you're going to have to go talk to the land owners. They may not have a problem but they may know someone who does.

The quickest way to learn is to team up with someone who knows.

Hope this helps. Good luck.


02-21-2006, 12:26 PM
Thanks viper, im sure it will help me. I know of land that i hunt on but im not sure if i could trap on it or not. I think its owned by a logging company or something, but i never see anyone on it or nothing. Just other hunters.

02-23-2006, 10:31 PM
I know nothing of Penn. trapping laws so you'll have to check with local regulations. If I were new to an area I'd start road trapping.
Here in Iowa road ditches are public property so trapping culverts along the roadway is common.
You do have to realize that it being public it is common to find your trap missing along with your game.
But its a good way to get some experience trapping and find good areas to trap.
I know guys that would trap 100 miles of highway. A couple of the areas best trappers always had an impressive load of fur in their pickup bed.
Try to team up with someone. It cuts the cost and sharing the work makes a long day of trapping much easier.
best of luck

02-24-2006, 07:29 AM
That is some really good info. I never thought about that but if you look at all the roadkill on the road, you would think that it would be a great idea. If anyone on here traps in pennsylvania, please give me some ideas of where to trap and wat i need. thanks everyone.

02-24-2006, 10:07 PM
Sean..did you check into the varment section where some answers to your questions were moved to?