View Full Version : Pickled Ramps

02-24-2006, 02:55 PM
Pickled Ramps

4 quarts Ramp Bulbs (when get size of thumb)
Sugar, 1 cup
Salt,1 cup
Mustard Seed, 1/4 cup
pre-pared Horseradish, 2 1/2 tablespoons
white vinegar, 2 qts.
hot peppers, 3-4 slices to each quart
bay leaf, 1 to each jar

Put salt over cleaned ramp bulbs, then cover with water and cover and let stand for 18-24 hours in cool place.
Drain and rinse, drain thourghly
Combine sugar, mustard seed, horseradish and vinegar. simmer for 15 minutes.
pack ramp bulbs in quart jar, along with bay leaf and hot pepper slices.
Heat lids and jar ring in boiling water.
Heat pickling liquid to boil, pour boiling hot over ramps until just below jar neck, make sure ramps are covered.
Put on jar lids & screw on jar rings. Cover with towels and let seal.
When boiling pickling liquid, (it will open your sinus) ha, ha. I like this recipe , you don't have to use a pressure cooker or a hot water bath!! Just pour on hot boiling liquid & seal.************