View Full Version : snail clean out screw???

02-25-2006, 02:48 PM
Hi boys,
Does a Green Mountain 54 cal cap lock barrel have a clean out snail screw ? If so which one is it and what do I do to clean the snail out? Nother thing, I can feel a ridge at the bottom of it where the powder sets, Is this normal?? How do I clean that part ??

02-25-2006, 03:41 PM
Don't know about that particular barrel. On my Lyman I let the breech end soak in hot water a few minutes before I remove the clean-out screw and nipple. They come out easier that way for me. Once the inside of the barrel is cleaned with hot soapy water, then I use pipe cleaners in the clean-out hole and nipple hole to get them clean. Has always worked for me.

02-26-2006, 09:26 AM

Mornin Rick,
What the heck does the "snail screw" loolk like, Where is it?? My T/C didn't have one, I don't think,,,,,

02-26-2006, 09:34 AM

Got your pm,,http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/hobbles/icons/hatsoff.gif

02-26-2006, 07:00 PM
How much powder would it take to fill the barrel under the ridge in my barrel?? It's a GM 54 cal and the ridge is 3/8" deep?? I guess I am worrying bout putting a bulge in my NEW barrel,,

02-27-2006, 01:20 PM
Most of all T/C sidelock percussion have a hooked breech.
CVa some models have a snail, it's the part where the nipple goes into, some of the older model looking from the side looks
like a snail, inline with the touch hole on the "snail" is a screw, for cleanout purposes, I guess. I never did fool with that screw, I just took the barrel off, and good old hot soapy water to clean, shot of Wd 40, to displace moisture and dry patches, and 3 caps fired on unloaded gun after cleaning always worked for me.

02-28-2006, 02:45 PM
Afternoon larryours
"Most of all T/C sidelock percussion have a hooked breech.

Looks like my GM barrel has a patent-breech


The 3 T/C barrels I had/have didn't/don't have this, I only have the one from the custom shop 1 in 66 and it don't