View Full Version : Wily Coyote

02-27-2006, 06:53 PM
Went out to one of my cousin's places in Southern Idaho today. The purpose of the trip was to see if I could assist him in reducing the predator population as those of you that are cattlemen know it is calving time. This means that Mr. Coyote is not far. I went out to a favorite spot at just before daylight and set down with my back to a large haybale. I had not been there two minutes when from up the canyon here comes Mr. Coyote. I spotted him out about 800 yards and he is making not beans about it, he is headed straight for the cows and the calfs. I figure that he will hit the small ditch and then make his way through the open field in the ditch, then pop out just down wind of the cows which will put him 150 yards from my location. Sure enough into the ditch he goes I wait and wait and wait. I'm thinking did he double back, did he see something, did he smell something he didn't like? Nope, there he is but not where I thought he would be he pops out up wind of the cows not down wind and instead of 150 yards he is more like 400 yards and headed straight for a little black angus calf, that was dropped less than an hour ago judging from the looks of it. Hold on there, were is Mama? Mama is not too far about 50 yards away, but Wily is now only about 35 yards from little Blackie now. I make my mind up to take the shot as he slows to a walk I rest the cross hairs on his front shoulder then elevate it just were I see daylight and squeeze the trigger. I see Mr. Wily Coyote hunch, then I hear the unmistakable smack of bullet meeting flesh. I look and he's down. Ok, one down and I'm thinking this is a good day! I stay put I see a red fox out in the center of the field close to 600 yards away and mousing his way towards me. Ok I'll take a fox. So I keep my eyes on him, he sure is not making any land speed records coming towards me. About ten minutes have passed and he has made it less than 100 yards then he stops and does not move he is focused up the canyon he drops and lays his ears back. I look up the canyon, but see nothing. I look back at Mr. Red he is still there ears are up, but he is as flat as he can be, still looking up the canyon. I again look up the canyon and see a flash I reach in the coat and pull the binos out and look though them to where I saw the flash there it is behind the sagebrush can just make out the head of a very light colored coyote. Look back to where Red was, note I said was as he is making his way out the other side of the field as fast as he can go. Well, ok I'll take another coyote. Look back to see if he has moved any closer nope, same spot, has not moved and inch. So now I am focused on him. Only one small problem he ain't moving. So I wait and figure I'll give him a few minutes to do what ever he is going to do. After 5 or 6 minutes all he has done is look up the canyon to where he has come form and out to where Red was and back at the cattle. He's not going anywhere. So I slowly reach into my pocket and bring out the Crit-r-call and give it a howl. Mr. Coyote is now focused right on me. Boy, was that dumb or what? Now, I can not move at all. Hey, here he comes and he must be late cause he just left part of his coat on the barbwire strand. As he hits the ditch I make my move to the back side of the haybale and get the rifle up. I can't see him. He should pop out anytime now. Where is he? Looking, scanning, nothing... nothing... wait, what is that. There he is how did he get there? How far is that? Still to far! What's he doing did he see me why did he stop. Give the call a bark? Ok. Looking right at me, but not moving any closer. Now looking at the cattle still not coming. What the h3!! is that noise? He's gone! Look back behind me and here comes Pat's ranch hand on the tractor. Look back to see the south end of a north bound coyote. :(

I get up make my way out to the one I got earlier. Ok, I know right where he is, ya sure you do. Look back to the haybale look over to where Blackie is still laying. Look to the ditch, has to be right here. Looking, nothing I know I hit him, I heard the smack, saw him go down, watched him do the dead fish impression. No, blood, looking nothing :confused: Looking still nothing, hey what's that in the ditch up there about 150 yards is that, bring the binos up, look, sure is. Rifle to shoulder, cross hairs on back of head squeeze bang head goes pop, no movement. Run up to the Wily what a mess. Won't be skinning this one. Gab him by the hind leg and drag him over to the fence hang him on the fence take the knife and yep there is the entrance wound, three ribs back of the left front shoulder. Remove the tail and head back to the truck. Stop at Pat's place and tell him the story he just says man those things sure have a will to live just yesterday I hit one with my 243 nearly cut the thing nearly in half and it still went half way across the field.

Yep it was a great day! :D
