View Full Version : First confirmed `hog of 06 !

03-07-2006, 11:26 AM
From about 200 yrds out, with my new 7wsm and 100 gr. sierras. Had to wait till he stood up so as to make sure he was a boar `hog, lol.

Skinny Shooter
03-07-2006, 03:06 PM
Congratulations. Saw one on the Pa turnpike yesterday... too bad you can't hunt there. Some of those critters die of old age...

03-07-2006, 05:40 PM
Congrats on your first Hog of the year. Out this way it has been such a mild winter that Prairie Dog shooting never ended this year. Been out eight times since first of year. Should have em pretty well stirred up by this spring.--tr

03-15-2006, 11:46 PM
Some days I wish I had never found the article about pigs on the Wa coast. I phoned the regional office which said there haven't been sightings in a year or so. Her's the question.

If an area had pigs where could they disappear too? I guess the could of been killed off except there would likely be a notice of that occurance on the WDFW website. Do species just up and leave an area?:confused: I would love to find that niche out here.

03-16-2006, 10:51 AM
Man you suck! ;)

I road around both Sat and Sunday looking for new fields and trying to spot one, but I never did. (At least driving around) I have heard tales from guys at work that they are out. Kind of cold right now, but I'll be getting ready in a couple weeks!!

At least I can fill in the missing weeks with groundhogs when turkey season isn't in. 3 weeks to IL, a 2 week break for the Youth PA hunt will give some time to hunt hogs, then it's Go time for turkey and I won't have to worry about g-hogs until mid-May.

I have a local horse farmer that needs me to clean up his pasture. They can't hit the dang things and his field is only 468 yards at it's furthest point :rolleyes: . I came over 1 night last year and made an easy one shot kill at 376 yards. After that he wanted me to come back early spring to clean them up! Can't wait. Should make for some good video at such close ranges.