View Full Version : New North American Arms .50WE

03-08-2006, 08:57 AM
The people at North American Arms have been at it again. they've been working for a couple of years on a new .50 cal cartridge.

Looks like they've got it going now. Its called the .50 WE (Wyoming Express) and its chambered in their model 83.

The cartridge case is belted like the mag. rifle cartridges. Looks like someone should have figured this one out along time ago. I think its a very good idea.

Let me know what you guys think about that.

Bulletpusher "BBRSSC #1"

03-08-2006, 07:58 PM
It looks interesting, but it's Freedom Arms, not North American Arms :)

got to admit a belted case forthat caliber seems to make sense to me, and I had always wondered why it had not been done before in B-F-H's.

03-09-2006, 07:06 AM

The Freedom Arms Firearms Co. was originally called North American Arms. and the cartridges even had NAA (North American Arms) headstamps on them.

It was my mistake for calling it American Arms again.

The cartridge is called the .500 Wyoming Express. I think I called the .50 Wyoming Express. Oh well I forgot a zero, My Bad!

So even if I forgot and called it by the old name and missed a zero in the name of the cartridge, I still think its an interesting cartridge.

Nuff said
Bulletpusher "BBRSSC #1"

03-10-2006, 05:47 PM
Oh I agree, was just pointing it out, since people will try to look it up, and not find it at NAA.

03-25-2006, 07:54 AM
I haven`t seen anything on this round yet, how does it compair to the 500 S&W? To tell the truth I really don`t like belted rounds even in rifle rounds, for for enoygh extra power I will put up with some thing I don`t care for.