View Full Version : How Many?
03-08-2006, 08:55 PM
I'm a sucker for additional knives, either new or used. As a result I have many more than I need, or can reasonably use.
Tonite I counted 12 pocket knives, and 10 fixed-blade sheath knives - right after I finished reading my new A.G. Russell knife catalog. My dresser drawer has everything from cheap pocket knives to a few custom sheath knives, including two Randalls. Also a few Case models, a Buck folder, and a Leatherman.
Just can't bring myself to sell any of them, and every once in a while I see another "THAT I NEED!".
How many of you suffer from this same malady? How many "hunting knives" do you admit to owning? We won't tell your wife....
03-08-2006, 09:38 PM
This is just a guess cuz I've got them stashed all over the place but I'd say 12 fixed blade and 18 folding-not counting multi tools (5 of those). I, too, am alway on the lookout for a new blade.
03-09-2006, 08:33 AM
erm. . . I collected knives when I was younger. Admitedly some of them are cheap, alot of them are good, but hard used. I would say no more than a dozen folders/lockblades, but probably three dozen fixed blade knives. I am assuming we aren't counting, swords, machettes, battle axes, halberds, spears, and tomahawks right? 'Cause if we do the numbers go UP.
rick savage
03-09-2006, 01:52 PM
i have been collecting knive for 35 years, i;m way over 300, i love the case tooth picks,all handles. it;s really hard now, we have a knife shop
03-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Not too many as I've been able to hold back the purchase bug most of the time.
03-12-2006, 07:13 PM
I have a weird habit for buying a knife that caches my intrest, on impulse. So I dont even want to guess.:o :o :o
08-28-2006, 03:59 PM
I have over 50 Knifes from a WWll Trench Knife to smal Deco Knifes from the early 50's & 60's, I have a Marbles knife that I wouldnt trade for anything. I also have my Old Cub Scout knife, Plus alot of my Grampas old Case knifes, from Small one's to Big ones, All were well used & still in working order. Id like to know a Value on some of the smaller knifes as I have never saw anything like them. But Ill never sell them as I intend to pass them down to my sons.
I didnt include a Sword & Silver Scabbard, It has gold inlay on both sides of the Sword with an Ivory handle, It was a Masonic Sword used in the Templer Knights, in the late 1800's-early 1900's. It is in Exellant shape. I dont see to many like it, no matter how much I search on it.
Keep them sharp,
09-24-2006, 07:58 PM
I have been picking up knives for probably 50 + years. I have no idea of how many are in boxes, drawers or packs. I never have bought cheap though, just better quality knives, and more than a few custom hand made ones. I like Randalls myself.
09-26-2006, 02:21 PM
I have 15 knives lol
10-02-2006, 12:27 PM
One of my weaknesses.I don't even want to try to count the knives I have.My main carry,do-all knife is an older Buck 110c folder
Rancid Crabtree
07-30-2008, 06:13 AM
My wife made a comment today that her kitchen knives needed to be sharpened. I said "which ones?" She said why don't you sharpen ALL the knives. That got me to thinking. While this is not actually "ALL" my knives. It is the majority and yet I'm still making more. I need help... :eek:
The road to recovery starts with admitting that you have a problem so I laid them out on a tarp.
The heavy hitters. The hard working blades. Love that Ulu.
The folders and lock backs. Some I have not even opened yet.
the fillet knives. Some of which are homemade.
Including the first two knives I ever made more than 25 years ago. A fillet knife and the 20 cent Dagger (because I have 2 dimes from 1981 in the handle)
Chicago Cutlery calls these steak knives but I use them for boning knives.
A few more homemade knives that I have hung onto. Others have gone out to folks.
I need help!!!
Quite a collection, RC!
Nice looking knives.
07-30-2008, 11:27 AM
he who has the most toys wins>>>>>>
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