View Full Version : What CCW Do You Carry Most Days?
03-08-2006, 09:16 PM
Sure, I own a Colt .45 auto like everyone else, and also a .357 Python. But they are really too bulky to carry every day; and difficult to hide in the summer when wearing shorts and a golf shirt.
Most days I carry a small KEL-TEC .32, because it easily fits into my front pants pocket, is lightweight, and "doesn't show." I'm not an LEO, and don't hang around biker bars or public housing projects in the 'hood. My other carry gun is a 2" .38 snubbie. The .32 is likely to be enough gun for self defense. It sure beats not having a gun.
I know its super macho to say you always carry a .44 mag, but what do most of you really carry every day?
Adam Helmer
03-09-2006, 01:16 PM
Very Good post! I usually carry my 3-inch M65 S&W or a M1911. I have carried a M1903 Colt .32 auto and a P-38 on occasion. I agree, in cold weather, ccw is pretty easy. In the Summer, I have a 2-inch Colt nickel snubbie in a fanny pack that goes unnoticed.
03-09-2006, 06:43 PM
Beretta 96 40 cal.
03-09-2006, 09:38 PM
Most days I carry a Para Ordinace TAC FOUR LDA in .45 auto but am giving serious consideration to going to a smaller HAWG series pistol from Para in either .45 or the 9mm. It is smaller and would be easier to conceal with a minimum amount of clothing.
03-23-2006, 07:12 AM
A compact single stack Para Carry .45 ACP. I like the 1911 frame and that LDA (light double action only) trigger is impressive.
Click here to see: Para Carry CCO (
Carrying when the warm weather and lighter clothing come around is a challenge. I resort to mainly inside the pants holsters and loose fitting button-front shirts.
I've handled the HAWG offerings but, maybe it's just me, I can't get past the "snaggy" points (hammer, beavertail) and the tiny grip - but the size, weight and stopping power of the .45 ACP is perfect.
03-24-2006, 06:56 PM
I do carry a 5" 1911 most of the time, even in +80f heat. Then again I never had a chance to carry it when it gets hot. I dont think its bulky at all. I actualy think its far more thin than most full size guns.
Mabe its a holster or belt issue? Did you try using a holster with a forward cant?
03-26-2006, 05:42 PM
Gold 40 thinks Sure, I own a Colt .45 auto like everyone else, and also a .357 Python. But they are really too bulky to carry every day; and difficult to hide in the summer when wearing shorts and a golf shirt.
I have been carrying a BHP in .40 for the past two weeks. I don't find it too bulky at all.
04-14-2006, 11:31 AM
I carry a Colt Delta Elite. I have carried it for a couple years now. There are times when it gets bulky, but it works for me. I may start carrying my .357. It is Taurus Model 66 with a 2.5" barrel so I know it would be easier to carry. I have to get off my butt and do it first.
04-15-2006, 08:40 PM
A pair of American Arms derringers in 44 special. One in each front pocket of my baggy summer shorts. Loaded up with Speer Gold-Dot 200gr HP's. Sh-tbag beware and be afraid !!
04-22-2006, 11:47 AM
I carry a Walther PPKS in the heat of summer but later in the year it varies. To or from the woods in the cooler months it's either a 44 Dan Wesson (6in) or a Colt pyhton (4in) and they usually end up carried all day during those months. There's always a 38 Spec derringer in my back pocket all year long . When it's just plain nice outside I usually carry my 1911 LW Commander (45 ACP). On occasion I carry my SAA Colt 22 Peacemaker when I'm feeling lazy lol.Those firearms in addition to the Winchester 1200 (18in) behind my pickup seat make up my normal carrying stuff. It really depends on the time of year (aka weather) and what my dress is for the day.
04-25-2006, 09:22 PM
Just for kicks I picked up a Para Ordinance Wart Hawg in .45 ACP to carry around it's realy nice I can cover it with my hand and it fits in any of my pockets with the added bonus of holding 10 rounds of my 200gr XTP handloads! Hard to beat that in my book.
01-18-2007, 03:01 PM
This is a thread is a bit old but I just stumbled across it. I sure hope this does not come across as some sort of one upmanship or trying to be extreme but my daily carry is two 1911s (it wasn't for years but long study into lethal force situations lead me to might not be for every one).
To be sure some days, especially in the fall and winder, I will change my backup gun to a S&W 4 or 5" in .44 or .45 but that is mainly for hunting and it will still serve as a backup in case my primary goes down (most likely because it or my gun or hand gets shot - check the stastical probability some time).
I certainly toyed with smaller guns but, in the end, I simply shoot the 1911 25% better than the next best gun (I go by a performance based test not a subjective "feeling"). Others would probably do but I just dont think I would feel right about giving up that edge.
I have tried LW commanders and even a Glock 23 as backups. They will certainly do but I found another steel 1911 simply gives me "ballance" and I shoot them better - especially with my weak hand. Of course there are those I know would argue that I am decidedly unbalanced :)
I do also carry one or sometimes two "hideout" guns that are usually J-frames but they are harder to get into action quickly. I am "semi-retired" law enforcement (meaning I dont patrol but I am on call) and full time Military Contractor. If I weren't I might drop the hideouts but then again, they are no trouble so I might not.
BTW, in the circles I travel in, I am considered as "traveling light" becuase I often only have 3 guns on me ;)
By no means is this a criticism of folks who carry what they feel like, whether it is more or less.
Be careful out there,
Andy L
01-18-2007, 03:34 PM
The last year or so my carry gun as been a Taurus PT145. Nice gun. Shoots good, conceals easily and holds 11, 45ACP 230gr Speer Gold Dots for lots of fire power.
If Im wearing jeans I carry it in a belt slide holster that rides high and cants forward at the 4 oclock position. It rides high enough the bbl is just a hair below my belt, making it easy to hide. I buy all my shirts and sweatshirts in tall size and wear untucked. Conceals very well. The holster is a Galco, btw.
I also carry a 22lr Berretta Bobcat in my back pocket or when wearing shorts. Like you said, better than no gun. I can feed em 8 Remington Yellowjackets and most likely get me out of the situation. In the summer I also use a fanny pack for the 45 sometimes if Im wearing shorts or whatnot.
I also like carrying a Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in 44spl. Not as much firepower but plenty of stopping power. It conceals very well also.
I probably like the Taurus for concealed carry as much as anything Ive tried.
01-19-2007, 09:59 AM
In the heat in Florida, I switched to the KelTec 380 about 2 years ago and it is a great little gun for social application. Very light and very conceable in even a shirt pocket.
03-01-2007, 05:55 PM
to paraphrase an old saying, " it's more important for your CCW gun to be comforting, than comfortable."
I will not carry a mouse gun. There are way too many scenerios that call for more 'umph' than a .32 ACP.
03-01-2007, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by 8X56MS
to paraphrase an old saying, " it's more important for your CCW gun to be comforting, than comfortable."
I will not carry a mouse gun. There are way too many scenerios that call for more 'umph' than a .32 ACP.
I know more than a couple of dead people (and one who had his brains kicked out but lived) who would agree with you...if they could.
03-01-2007, 11:40 PM just reminded me of one of my saiespeople when I was into the gun business pretty big. I went to the distributors place she worked at. I got there early. She invited me to come on in. She shucked 4 guns off before she got done. and had a full auto Uzi under the desk. Knew how to use it too. This distributor also sold full auto firearms to foreign armies etc as well as police sales here. Never forget the Lahti 20 mm gun they had on a shelf there. Had ammo for it too.
I like the standard 45 also but the Taurus 45 that Andy has would be ok for me too. I have a Taurus PT92 that is very reliable but not very accurate I've been told most Taurus guns are usually fairly accurate. Mine isn't but it is a 9mm. My carry around the farm gun is an old ugly Ruger Single Action in 357. Accurate but slow. OK for coyotes or snakes when loaded with shot cartridges.
03-02-2007, 06:00 AM
A friend was driving back from the range in his Mercedes Station Wagon and was pulled over for speeding. As the officer was asking for his license he spied the M-60, set up on its bipod in the back (just so it would ride better, no belt in it of course). The officer looked at him again, noticed that his cap had D.O.E. on it and handed back the license and said "Never Mind, just have a good day" :)
Its the little things that make life interesting.
BTW, I dont think the officer was in cond. white, he just could not see the MG through the privacy glass and only noted it from the drivers side window. He was no doubt aware that Knob Creek range where they hold the M.G. shoot was right down the road about 4 miles. And if he was the guy who regularly patrolled that area during the daytime he was a gun nut anyway - but my friend did not know him.
Old Scout
03-02-2007, 03:26 PM
I've carried for a little over 30 years. It seems the older I get, the smaller my "get off me" gun becomes. Currently down to a Beretta Tomcat, Walther PP, or on occaision a Walther TPH. They all are perfectly reliable, if not mountain movers!
Old Scout
03-02-2007, 09:43 PM
The little things are really neat and that was a good story.
About 1980 I went past the NG Armory on a Saturday morn and what did I spy. There was a nice Colt M-16 sitting against the wall of the building. turned around and went back and got it. Small country town so you know how it is... Ya know everybody. Called the top seargeant's wife and let her know the gun was in safe hands and to let her husband know if he called. He did call and came and got the piece on Monday morning. Some poor private(guaranteed after the act of leaving his rifle) sure got a real good chewing out...for the next year or so. BUT they did get it back. Seargeant and I had a friendly drink over that one...later!! You're right's the little things!:D :D
Oh and that 9mm PT92 doesn't shoot shoots patterns. And I've seen better patterns from a 410:confused: :D
03-05-2007, 12:26 PM
Yessir Skeet, I bet that is one "uncomfortable" soldier today!
Good job!
03-05-2007, 02:38 PM
i carry a bulg mark it is ok most the time summer time i need something different
Gil Martin
03-05-2007, 05:44 PM
The little revolver with a 2-inch barrel is handy and easy to carry. My significant other carries a S&W Model 36 2-inch .38 Special. All the best...
03-05-2007, 06:18 PM
The exact same gun is what my wife has in the house..her bedroom gun in well as an occassional carry piece :cool:
03-06-2007, 03:29 PM
Please do not think this falls under the category of runnng down anyone's choice, it is just one of those illustrative incidents which I call "reality checks". A good friend who's name is a pretty much widely known in the gun world (but who will remain annonymous here) told me of his early days as a Police Officer in a very violent town (I will try to keep this short, he made it a very entertaining story).
He went to the market and decided to just stick his backup J-frame in his was but a short walk. In the checkout line with a gallon of milk (and maybe some bread but I forget - it was 30 years ago in June he told me this) suddenly two guys stick up the cashier in the next isle over. He says to himself, no problem. If they do not look like they are going to shoot, let them take the money. They did but then started taking customers wallets. My friend had his police ID in his wallet (bad idea by the way) and he knew that if they found it he would be shot on the spot (given the time, the politics and the city I think he was right).
So he secreted his J-frame out behind the milk jug and waited for the right moment. He shot the shotgun wielder first (he was close and they were good hits) with 2 - 110gr Super vel JHPs and he immediately swithced to the other bad guy and got two shots into him. As he was shooting the last round, the little rack beside his head exploded and he saw the shotgunner was not only still up but shooting at him! He immediately ducked down and ran to the back of the store where he set up behind the end of a row and, according to him, debated wheter to try to shoot one of the bad guys with his last bullet, try to reload or just shoot himself (this last was a joke of course and funny only because he lived through this adventure).
Turns out, he did not have to decide. The uniformed police showed up and shot it out with both bad guys who were still doing just fine up to that point.
This is hardly a rare thing. Some folks just dont pay attention to being shot during the lifetime of the shooter.
03-06-2007, 05:44 PM
Its been a year scene I last posted on this thread.
I rarely carry my 1911 now. I want to have some work done to it before Ill carry it again. I still shoot it. Its also on my nightstand.
My main carry has been my Glock 19, and or my .38 snubby.
I sometimes pocket carry a PPK wanabee FEG .380(ball ammo).
I know alot of people who work in trama, First Responders, L.E.O's, etc. Shot placement is far more important than the cartrage. So pick something you like and practice every week.
03-15-2007, 06:34 PM
I carry a Springfield Armory 1911 Ultra-compact .45acp. A real nice shooting pistol.
03-15-2007, 07:28 PM
Nice gun Jim! Does it have alot of muzzle flash? Cause of the porting and short barrel.
03-16-2007, 08:32 AM
Thanks,gregarat. It's actually not too bad. I never shot it in real low light or no-light conditions yet--I guess I probably should. Stays in the hand and on target pretty good,though. The only thing I want to do to it yet is put an extended magazine release button on it(bad right thumb).
03-25-2007, 11:57 AM
Personally, I won't carry a semi-auto of any caliber (though I own a couple) unless it was DAO. Otherwise, all those silly safetys are a bother. I prefer my S/W featherweight in 38 special - primarilly for ease of cleaning - but also, when you pull the trigger it goes bang. If not, pull again.
04-02-2007, 10:25 PM
One really nice thing about Florida's CCW law, is that it covers weapons, not just a specific gun.
This is the one I am packing this week. It's a Springfield 1911-A1 Loaded. As always, it rides in Sam Andrews's leather.
02-24-2008, 01:34 PM
my YEAR Round Carry as a 275lb Master Track Athlete in field events i don't play tennis or golf but wear shorts :D , i throw my impliments don't hit them, this fits nice in the waste ban
02-24-2008, 10:45 PM
I carry either my XD40 in a Bearclaw IWB tuckable holster or a Smith 638 in a pocket holster. I have to admit the 638 is my favorite.
03-05-2008, 02:08 PM
I carry a S&W Air Weight with a 2" barrel in 38 Special. It only weighs 15 ounces, is easy to conceal, and shoots real nice too.
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